Chapter 12: Kiss me under the jackolantern

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"There's a hand in the punch bowl," Ginni marvelled, staring at it in awe.

"It's the ice block," Trent said proudly. "I saw my dad make it! He used a disposable glove, filled it with water, put it in the freezer, and then after it was frozen, cut off the glove."

"Cool," Ginni replied.

"Yeah," Trent said. "Is Tracey coming?"

"She said she had to finish some art assignment," Ginni said nonchalantly. "What's in the punch? Is it alcohol?"

Trent's stepmother Shae scoffed from behind them. "Alcohol? Oh god sweetie no what kind of mother do you think I am?" She said, voice exactly like Amy Poehler in mean girls.

Trent snorted. "It's just cranberry juice, pineapple juice and ginger ale," he explained.

Shae yelped as one of the dogs trotted past her in a shark costume and she quickly exited stage left.

Ginni lifted his head to look at Trent. "What are you dressing up as?" He asked, eyeing Trent's plain t-shirt and jeans.

"Don't know," Trent lied, fingering the vampire fangs in his pocket.

"It's tonight!" Ginni cried, waving his arms and almost knocking over the punch bowl. Trent dragged him away from it.

"I've got something small," Trent said, shrugging. "We don't all have a cat costume ready to go in the wardrobe."

"It's half man half cat," Ginni corrected, flicking his tail and adjusting the cat ears.

"What's Tracey coming as?" Trent asked.

Ginni sighed. "She was going to just wear vampire fangs but I told her that I wouldn't be able to kiss her under the Jackolantern because I'd get fanged," he explained.

Trent gulped, slowly taking his hand out of his pocket. He eyed the Jackolantern that his dad had hung in the corner of the living room. "You really think it's good luck to kiss under that?" He asked doubtfully.

"Yeah it's tradition," Ginni said.

"I don't think Amelia can come tonight," Trent said sadly. "She got invited to Ellie Blackburn's Halloween party. It's girls only."

"Sounds awful," Ginni said, shivering. He brightened. "Hey, if Tracey doesn't come, I'll—-"

Alex Fasolo burst into the room, carrying a tray with a loaf of bread shaped like a spider containing a red salsa. "Boys, do you want to try my red back spider?"

Ginni grinned. "Yes please!" He said, taking a breadstick and loading it up with salsa.

"Thank you Dad," Trent said, as he took a carrot stick and dipped it into the salsa.

"Your dad is the best!" Ginni told Trent excitedly, mouth full of bread and salsa.

Alex blushed. "I'm glad you boys like it," he said happily. "I offered it to Shae and she screamed and ran."

Trent just giggled. "She's not as cool with this stuff as mum was," he said.

"Mm," Alex agreed, and waltzed back to the kitchen to continue preparing food.

Finishing off his carrot stick, Trent looked at Ginni. "What were you saying? Before my dad interrupted?" He prompted.

"Hm?" Ginni asked, frowning in confusion. "I... oh I just thought... if our girls don't come, it'd be a shame for the Jackolantern to go to waste—" His eyes lit up as the front door opened. "Tracey's here!!!!" Ginni ran to greet his girlfriend.

Trent just blinked, staring at his best friend and his sister embracing lovingly. He couldn't help the wave of disappointment. Was it because Amelia wasn't here or something else... 

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