chapter 57 - Alex Fasolo having a baaaaath

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Author's note: after the success and praise from the AO3 fic about Alex in the bath, I thought I'd put a chapter in here as well. Hope y'all enjoy it. You're welcome.


"Trent?" Alex called, hearing footsteps trudging up the stairs. "is that you?"

"Yes," Trent replied, exhausted after a long day of making coffee for his boss.

"I'm in here," Alex said, "come tell me about your day."

In here? Trent wondered, pausing outside the bathroom door. He was hesitant because he didn't want to barge in on steamy shower sex between his dad and stepmum again. "Is Shae in there too?" 

"No, just me," Alex answered.

Relieved, Trent pushed open the door, gathering his thoughts and feelings about his current work—-

"Dad?" Trent cried, staring in horror at his dad, fully naked in the bath stroking his average medium size length with big meaty Italian hands.

Alex looked up. "Oh hi Trenna," he said cheerily. "How was your day?"

Trent tried to look anywhere except— "Yeah it was okay," he said uncertainly. "Dad, remember that email I sent you recommending the book written by one of the clients at work?"

"Yeah, about the doll doctor," Alex said, eyes lit up. "Thank you, I enjoyed it!"

"Yeah well the IT guy found that email chain and used it as evidence that I leaked client intel," Trent said, his palms sweating and heart pounding at the memory of the mediation session today.

"Oh, Trenna...." Alex said with pitiful eyes, his hands still moving along his length, causing it to—

Trent screamed as liquid burst from his dad's length and saturated the rubber duck that Trent played with as a kid.

"Lucky duck," Alex chuckled. "Maybe I'll get you pregnant."

"Dad," Trent breathed, horrified.

Alex turned to his son, shaking himself from the romantic thoughts about the duck. He had to think for a minute to remember what they'd been talking about. "Trent, it's okay," Alex said. "Your mother leaked client information all the time."

Trent just stared at his dad in horror.

"It'll be okay," Alex tried again, trying to find more soothing words to calm his son. "You'll be fine. Keep making those espressos for her."

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