Chapter 15 - you may be right, I may be crazy

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Author's note: just a brief interlude in Jack Ginnivan's story to see what Trent's doing. Alex is a horrible father, celebrating and worshipping Trent's friend Ginni because he's offered Trent the chance to move out of home. This is a bizarre chapter but enjoy. Normal programming shall resume. Maybe.

Trent's mum played by Anna-Maria Sieklucka (from the movie 365 Days)

Trent's mum played by Anna-Maria Sieklucka (from the movie 365 Days)

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Alex Fasolo played by Massimo a.k.a. Michele Morrone

"Mum?" Trent stepped slowly into the backyard, where he beheld his mum in her number 33 guernsey and Ginnivan beanie

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"Mum?" Trent stepped slowly into the backyard, where he beheld his mum in her number 33 guernsey and Ginnivan beanie. He stared at his dad. "Dad? What's going on?"

"Nothing," Alex Fasolo said, partially stepping in front of the Jack Ginnivan statue. "Your mum heard I was worshipping your friend and came over."

"But why?" Trent asked, bewildered. He came over to stand next to his mum. "Does Shae know?"

"No, she's at work," Alex said, throat constricted. Guilt flitted in his eyes.

"Mum, it's so good to see you," Trent said quietly, edging closer, arms slowly extending for a hug. He knew she was shy and didn't like hugs but...

She edged a bit away, shuffling closer to Alex.

"Son, we heard your friend Jack has a spare room for you at his new place," Alex said proudly, beaming. "We'll be empty nesters. Our last child, flying the coop." He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Well, yeah, he offered it to me but I'm not living with my sister and her boyfriend," Trent said, scowling. "I'll find a place when I'm ready."

"And when's that?" Alex questioned. "Trent, honey, you're 21...."

Suddenly Trent's mum sprung into action, launching herself on Trent and hugging him tight. "My baby boy... all grown up..." she sobbed.

Trent just smiled and hugged his mum back. "We miss you so much, Mum," he said all in a rush. "Shae is so awful, she cooked us chicken surprise and the surprise was—-"

"Alright, enough of that," Alex interrupted, laughing loudly. "Trent, don't say that about your stepmother."

"I miss you too, sweetie, you never have to leave home," his mum said soothingly, still holding him tight.

Alex put an arm on Trent's mum's shoulder. "Darling, come on, you don't live here any more," he said gently. "You've got a new life in Queensland."

Trent's mum nodded and stepped away, drying her eyes with her sleeve.

"So, Trent, all we're saying is it's a great opportunity," Alex went on, "you'll have independence, freedom, and Jack and Tracey are in a fantastic spot near the beach—"

Trent stared at his father. "What's this really about? Does Shae want me out?" He growled.

"I... um, she just thinks you act as if you're 15..." Alex tried, his heart not really in it.

"Faz, sweetie, let him stay," Trent's mum implored, looking at Alex with wide brown eyes that Alex just couldn't resist. "Otherwise I'll take him up to Queensland with me and you know how much it'd kill you to see him playing for a different club."

Pain flashed in Alex's eyes. He thought about his own time in a different guernsey that wasn't collingwood. He didn't want his son to experience that.

Trent grinned. "Thank you Mum," he said gratefully.

"But just consider Jack's offer, okay?" Alex suggested quickly, "I know you'll make the right decision, Trent, you're very responsible." His eyes lit up. "Oh! I spoke to Shae about her chicken surprise and she said she's sorry and will do better."

"Please take her off cooking duties," Trent groaned.

"No!" Alex said indignantly. "You know I can only make toasted cheese sandwiches."

Trent's mum snorted and smiled warmly at Alex. Alex leaned in to kiss her on the mouth.

With false hope in his eyes that his parents would get back together, Trent turned on his heel and bounded inside. Why would he leave home when there was a life size statue of his best friend in the backyard?

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