chapter 40 - lunch time

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Author's note: I'm so sorry if the next few chapters are just describing Trent's boring day at his office job at the accounting firm that his mum worked at. Write what you know. Also why do I start every chapter with an apology Jesus is this how I live my life (yes) (literally every room I've ever entered, I say "oh my god I'm so sorry for being here"  and I'm right every time)

"Don't you ever answer your phone?" Amelia yelled frustratedly when she dropped in on Trent at his work.

"No," Trent scowled, "phones are for emergencies only."

"This is an emergency," Amelia cried. "I'm starving and I want to have lunch with my uncontactable boyfriend." She pouted.

"You know the best way to contact me is with a magpie," Trent pointed out, grinning. "the only bird that I trust."

"What if it's one of those rogue magpies from the wrong side of the tracks," Amelia grumbled.

Trent sighed. "Well, you can check," he explained patiently. "If it's wearing respectable stripes then it'll be decent. If it's wearing prison bars then no, avoid it."

Amelia yawned and leaned over Trent's desk. "What are you working on anyway?" She asked quietly.

"Just going through the client list making notes on sending the terms of engagement letters," Trent said, rolling his eyes. "I mean some of these are going to hate it so much."

"Why?" Amelia asked, genuinely curious, her breath warm on Trent's face as she leaned ever so closer.

"The letter is 12 pages of all our services with how much it all costs," Trent explained. "They'll be scared off. Everything costs money these days."

"Well, yeah, that's just life," Amelia countered. "By the way, you're paying for lunch today."

Trent looked up at her, blinking in surprise. He had thought it was her turn to shout lunch and opened his mouth to say so—

She quickly kissed him on the mouth. "Remember, I gave you a bite of my sandwich yesterday," Amelia said sweetly.

Closing his mouth, Trent gave her a close lipped smile and she kissed him again eagerly, nuzzling their noses together. "I love your sexy smile," she purred.

Trent felt himself go hard and blushed, glancing around his open plan office nervously. "Amelia, not now," he whispered.

She pulled back and crossed her arms moodily. "Then when?" 

"Later?" He guessed, and quickly glanced at his watch. It was half past 1. His stomach rumbled in response and he placed the pen down. "Let's go to lunch now," Trent said in the brightest voice he could muster. "Kebab?"

Amelia squealed and hugged him tightly. "You're the best boyfriend ever!" She exclaimed, bursting with joy. 

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