Chapter 33 - Tales from the Laundromat

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"Hey Jack, can I borrow your hair straightener?" Tracey called as she neared the bathroom.

She came to a stop at the bathroom threshold. "What's that?" She asked uncertainly, staring at her boyfriend tipping white powder in a zip lock bag.

Ginni looked up and grinned, white powder going everywhere. "Gonna wash some sheets today at the laundromat," he said. "They've got huge washers and even stronger dryers!"

"Oh thank God," Tracey breathed. She noticed the tub of washing powder on the sink. Relief.

"You want my hair straightener?" Ginni asked, "just don't use it in the bathtub, it won't work."

"I wasn't planning to," Tracey said, alarmed.

"Anyway, last week at the laundromat, I met a lovely lady who's writing a book," Ginni gushed. "We only got up to when I was 15 and then my clothes were done. That's just when it gets interesting!"

"I'll bet it does," drawled Tracey. She'd heard a lot about Ginni already even before they dated. Trent's stories were only the tip of a scandalous iceberg.

"You should come too, maybe she can write a chapter on you," Ginni said excitedly. "You'd have some ripper stories growing up with Trenna."

"Mm," Tracey grunted, frowning. "He was a fairly boring kid. Huge Mummy's boy. School prefect. Spent lunchtimes on his own in the library."

"Didn't we all?" Ginni said, chuckling.

Tracey recoiled. "No way, you did not!" She cried aghast.

"Sometimes," Ginni said, shrugging. "When I wasn't kicking goals on the footy field."

"I can't believe you even knew where the library was," Tracey said with a laugh. "I sure didn't."

It was Ginni's turn to recoil. "You... you aren't a big reader?" He asked, flabbergasted. "But... Trent..." He frowned, thinking this whole time that Tracey was a female version of Trent.

"Nope," Tracey said, grinning proudly. "Hardly ever. Maybe only for Trent's football concerts." She rolled her eyes in jest.

Ginni sighed. "But you'll have to read this lady's book about the laundromat," he said. "There will be a chapter on me! Exclusive insight into my life!"

Tracey stepped closer, closing the distance between them. "Maybe you can just tell me over a coffee," she whispered. "Or tonight... I'll clear my schedule..."

Ginni melted, his arms going around her waist, holding her tightly. "I'd love that," he said softly.

"It's a date," Tracey replied, realising that they hadn't actually had a proper date night for months. Just the two of them. 

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