Chapter 13: The Trent and Amelia Cup

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Author's Note: the AFLW season is heating up and finals are next week!!!!! Apparently Pies slated to play Norf (source: herald sun), but if Geelong and Tigs win, then I think Pies get to play the Dogs (Amelia's old team) a.k.a. Burkey's Bottom Bitches (to go with their male counterparts Bevo's Bottom Boys)  so enjoy this little fic about a footy game that might not even happen because there's still games to play out.

Rainbow socks pulled up to the knee and rainbow sweatbands on his head and wrist, Jack Ginnivan was ready.

All he had to do was convince Tracey.

He found her in the study, concentrating on a piece of art. "Tracey," he greeted.

Tracey looked up. Clocked what he was wearing. "Is it still pride round?" She asked blandly.

Ginni just shrugged. "It's the Trent-Amelia Cup," he replied, "I'm wearing this for Trent."

"Okay," Tracey said slowly. "Do I wear something for Amelia? Like putting my hair in one of her braids?"

"I can do that for you!" Ginni said brightly.

"Great," Tracey said.

After Tracey's hair was done, perfectly braided, Tracey and Ginni headed off to Vic Park for the first elimination final of AFLW season 7.

They arrived and quickly found their friends Trent and Amelia in the outer.

"It's me vs Amelia," Trent boasted to Ginni. "One of us will go home happy and the other will be sad and inconsolable."

"You've barracked for the dogs before," Amelia drawled. "And I've barracked for the pies. We're technically neutral. It's win-win for both of us."

"I mean Amelia still goes to bottom brunch parties with her dogs teammates," Trent went on, ignoring his girlfriend's comment.

"It's bottomLESS brunch," Amelia pointed out.

"Bottom brunch," Ginni giggled. "I'd like that." He gazed wistfully at the oval, the girls from both sides warming up at different ends, the rainbow flags fluttering around the ground.

Tracey was next to Ginni, head down, engrossed in the book she was reading.

"Gin, is this your first football game with Tracey?" Trent asked, smirking.

"Yep," Ginni replied, "took a bit of convincing." His eyes roved over his girlfriend and the intricate detail of her braids. "I'll get her interested in footy, don't worry."

Trent giggled. "I don't think she's ever been to one of my games," he said, amused.

"Because you play like an old woman," Ginni said, "she'll come to my games." He rested an arm around Tracey. "Won't you, Trace?"

"Mm?" She said, looking up and blinking at him. "Do you play football?"

Ginni just smiled and turned back to Trent. "It's like living with an alien," he said, "the other day she found my football boots and asked why I'd have shoes with metal bits on the bottom."

Trent laughed. "Once I left my mouthguard in the bathroom we shared and she genuinely thought it was my false teeth," he added.

"With the way you eat chocolate, you'll definitely have false teeth," Tracey retorted.

"She thinks my way of putting the chocolate on my tongue and letting it melt before swallowing is damaging my teeth," Trent explained, rolling his eyes.

"Oh," Ginni said, his brain whirring. "wait, is that how I got chocolate in my mouth that time I surprise kissed you at training?"

"You what?" Tracey asked, looking up from her book and staring at her boyfriend.

Ginni could feel Amelia's stare as well. He faced Tracey. Placed a hand on her hand. "It was nothing," he explained. "I do it all the time. We're like brothers."

"He's my brother," Tracey drawled. "I don't kiss him."

"Yeah well, sometimes he just looks extra cute... oh the game's starting!" Ginni said, relieved as he turned to watch the footy and Tracey scowled, going back to her book.

"Saved by the bell," Trent murmured to his best friend.

Ginni couldn't agree more. He forgot about the matter entirely and focused on cheering on the Collingwood women's team.

It was a close game, because of course it was - it was Collingwood - and Ginni went from clutching Trent's arm to every other emotion as the girls clawed their way back from 10 points down.

Knowing there was only seconds remaining, and still behind by a point, Emily Smith took a diving catch down her leg side, 30 metres from goal.

"Can she make it?" Trent asked nervously, furiously biting his nails to the edges.

"Of course, she's wearing my number," Ginni said, crossing all his fingers and toes.

Emily went back, lined up the set shot, and, like her male counterpart, snapped truly.

Right as the siren went.

"We won!!!! We did it!!!!" Ginni was yelling, jumping up and down and hugging Trent. "We won!!!" He had tears in his eyes as the Collingwood song washed over them.

"Go pies!!!" Trent shouted, hugging Ginni tightly as they jumped in unison.

"It's just an elimination final," Amelia commented, "don't get too carried away."

But Trent and Ginni didn't listen, carrying on with everything they had, buoyed on by the entire crowd going nuts as well, and the players still jumping all over the hero Emily Smith.

It really was a good year to be a pie.

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