chapter 54 - awesome foursome

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"Trent, was it you who said you forgot to pack deodorant?" Amelia called out as she unpacked her things in the hostel bathroom. "You can borrow mine."

"No need!" Trent yelled back. "I'm sharing Ginni's roll on!"

Amelia leaned out of the bathroom, staring into the main room set up with two bunk beds. "What?" She spluttered.

Trent just grinned from where he lay on a bottom bunk. "I'm using Ginni's roll on deodorant," he said simply. "It smells raspberry like."

"Boys," Amelia muttered, going back inside the bathroom to finish unpacking.

"I know right," Tracey agreed as she also unpacked her toiletries. "Ginni uses roll ons at home as well."

"Seriously?" Amelia asked incredulously. "We should've just made this a girls trip only."

"No way," Tracey defended, "Ginni was the one who got us these Taylor Swift tickets in Sydney. We couldn't have left him out."

"Yeah but I mean…" Amelia said, pouting at Tracey. "He doesn't even play for the same team."

"Amelia!" Tracey cried. "What are you implying about my fiance?"

Amelia looked sheepish. "Oh no, I just meant… because he's swapped to Hawks…" she said quietly.

"Like your boyfriend is any better," Tracey pointed out. 

"Alright, we're not competing, I was just saying—" Amelia said, holding up her hands. "We could've left those two idiots at home." She sighed. "Plus why did this hostel give us bunk beds? I know I want to be on top but not—"

"Ginni's already claimed to be on top of Trent," Tracey said with a giggle. 

Amelia just sighed. "So it's me and you on the other one," she said exasperated. "What do you want? Top or bottom?"

Tracey looked at the bathroom tiles shyly. "Could I have bottom?" She said softly. "I'm scared of heights."

"You and Trent are the same," Amelia said, sighing loudly.

"Well, we are brother and sister—" Tracey started.

"With the same cowardly father," Amelia groaned.

"I heard that!" Trent yelled.

"Don't talk about Sir Fazzy like that!" Ginni shouted.

Amelia sighed again and wondered how she'd get through this weekend. 

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