Chapter 87

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Hunters POV:

"-nter! H-Hunter wake please!" I hear waking up, to my arm being shook. Noah. "I'm up, I'm up, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask, sitting up, I didn't have to turn on my side lamp because it was already on as per Noah's request last night. "Buddy, what happened? Why are you crying?" I ask him, but the tears keep flowing.

"H-hear them! Bad m-mommy and daddy come g-get Noah!" He cries. The fucking crash. I really didn't think he was going to crash this soon, I was giving it a week at least before anything like this happened. "What did you hear? I promise you they aren't here, they can't get to you." I say but he doesn't believe me.

"No no! H-hear them c-come!" He says, pointing at the door. We hear scratching at the door and makes him sob all over again. "Noah, buddy, come here." I say picking him up, he tries to get even closer to me even though I'm already holding him. "Listen, that scratching? It's just Chicky Nuggy, I bet she was just looking for you." I say walking to the door but he loses it. "No! N-no open door! No l-let in!" He says panicked. I sigh, and take him over to my window. "Hey look at that, you can see the moon from here!" I say, trying to calm him to down.

"B-bad daddy take way m-moon too!" He cries, but I don't understand what that means, and I guess my face says that, so he explains. "Bad mommy read n-night night moon and-and bad daddy t-take way!" He explains. "She read goodnight moon to you? Why don't you and me try reading it right now? Because I happen to have that book right here on my phone." I say quickly buying an ebook with one hand. He continues to cry but looks at my phone screen, but starts crying harder. "N-not know read that!" He says and I try swaying him in my arms. Looking back at my phone, I see I bought the French version of the book. Okay, so now I'm scaring him with fucking French, great.

"Look look! I fixed it, we can read it now." I say, but I almost drop him when he screams at the door opening, it's not loud, it's muffled into my neck. "What the hell is going on?" Nick says barging into the room. The cat runs in as well, scaring Noah even more, because of how fast she runs in. "Nick seriously?" I ask, annoyed that he unintentionally made this worse. "Just close the door." I say to him, so everyone else doesn't wake up too, especially Sebastian. I do not need an I told you so from him right now, sometimes I wish he wasn't always right.

"Sorry... hey Noah, do you want to get some warm milk?" Nick asks, Noah keeps his head buried in my chest, but I feel him nod. I nod to Nick to go warm some up. I grab a pacifier from my side table for Noah, and he accepts it when I put it to his lips. His cries have gotten softer, and he's not shaking as much, so I bring him back to my window. "Hey buddy, look, can you count some stars with me?" I ask, he turns his head so he can see outside. "T-too many." He mumbles around the pacifier. "That's okay, we can count together while we wait for Nicky to bring some milk." I say, wiping his cheeks.

"I'm glad you woke me up when you got scared. Even if you're not sleeping with me, you can still come wake me up if you need me okay?" I tell him. "N-no like be scared. No want bad m-mommy and daddy. No want to c-come hurt Noah 'gain! No want m-more ouchies! " He whispers as Nick quietly and slowly enters the room this time. "I know you don't like being scared, but always remember that you're so brave. They're not going to give you anymore ouchies ever." I say and he nods in agreement.

"C-can go rock?" Noah asks me before I settle us back in the bed. I look to Nick and he nods. "Three of them are still asleep, didn't even move when I went down." He shrugs. "We can go rock, but we have to be really quiet, Alex, Ben and Reid are sleeping down there still." I say and he nods. "No wake them." He whispers.

Nick follows us downstairs and Reid and I get comfy in the rocking chair. (LMAO guys my memory is so bad, the rocking chair is in their living room right?) Nick throws a blanket over us and hands me the bottle. "Everyone s-safe from bad mommy and d-daddy?" Noah asks us. "Hunter will make sure you all are safe down here. I'll make sure everyone upstairs is safe okay?" Nick tells him, and thankfully Noah accepts this answer and starts drinking the milk.

After about 15 minutes, his breathing is steady, and he's fallen asleep, finishing all the milk. I really hope he doesn't wake up again tonight, but I have a feeling it'll be a long night. Just in case, I slowly take Noah back upstairs to my room. He doesn't let go me once, so it's a little hard to lay down on the bed and cover us with blankets, but I get comfy after a few tries.

In my sleep, I hear Noah whispering, but he's not talking to me. I don't know how long it's been since he last woke up, but I squint my eye open anyways to peek at him. He's talking to Oli and the cat. "Hunter s-say bad mommy daddy n-no come. Say can W-wake." He whispers. Chicky Nuggy meows at him and he sighs. "No Chicky Nuggy, no want to W-wake 'gain. Hunter go work, no be sleepy." He continues. "No Oli, no wake Nicky too. Nicky make yummy m-milk 'ready. Noah just wait. M-morning wake soon." He tells them. "Noah brave. H-Hunter say so. But Hunter s'pose k-keep everyone safe in living room! How come u-upstairs now?" He continues. "R-right Oli. Nicky be downstairs n-now, maybe Sebby and Atty and Aaron want Hunter to 'tect them, n-no Nicky" he says after a minute of silence. "Right too Chicky Nuggy. Nicky b-bigger. He stronger t-too? Noah think Hunter s-strongest, b-but should ask in morning to m-make sure." He finishes and I suppress a smile at his thoughts.

He lies down again, and I close my eyes, feeling him get really close to my face. I feel a small kiss on my nose, and hear him giggle, before kissing my cheek, and my forehead. "Triple k-kissies." He whispers, as I feel his icy little fingers wrap themselves around my arm, snuggling close to me. I think I've mastered the art of not flinching at cold fingers because of Reid. Just as I'm about to fall asleep again, he picks his head up. "N-night night moon." He whispers, and lays back down.

Ok, so I lied, I said this chapter we'd see or hear from Liam again, but now that'll be next chapter and the next, because we had to have a Hunter/Noah chapter lol before we get the Alex/Reid and the Hunter/Liam chapters, but we're also going to have more Hunter/Noah bc why not. Anywayssss Our Big Brother has another chapter coming soon bc I'm on a rollllllll, and I am literally not done the newest chapter of my MC book, but I think I'll post it tomorrow anyways because I'm stuck and that book has been waiting for a new chapter for over a year also also I think the app glitch I was having is fixed?? Lmk if you guys get the notification I uploaded and not just  the post to my wall lol
May xx

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