Chapter 21

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I wake up on my couch, with someone's arm wrapped around my waist. Julian.

I remember the events of last night, sighing.

But him kissing my neck was as far as we got. No sex, thank god.

I gently grabbed his arm and placed it behind me instead of around me so that I could get up from the couch.

The first thing I did was grab my phone and walk to my room.

3 missed calls from: Marty

5 new messages from: Marty

Are we still going to the studio tonight?


You there?

Is everything okay?


Five messages and three calls. And I remember I heard my phone. Damn, I'm such a bitch.

Should I call him or something? No, he must be sleeping. But what if he's awake and worried? He's not, he's with Lynn.

I hate my subconscious.

My doorbell rings. What if it's Martin? It's not, stop thinking about him. Shut up.

I walk to the door.

About four people burst through my door. "We're running late, come on!"

"Oh my god, I just woke up!" I shout with wide eyes and run to the bathroom.

When I get out, I see Julian on the couch, confused, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Julian!" I shout before running up the stairs. I saw a small smirk on his face when he saw me.

Since I was now about to get to a photoshoot where I would have my makeup, hair, etc. done, I just tie my hair up into a messy bun and put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"Let's go!" someone yells, holding the door open so that we could all get out.

I see Julian follow and I think it's incredible how he is already dressed and clean. How do boys get ready so fast?

He comes towards me and starts walking by my side, we walk out the door together.

"You know, I think you look prettier like this," he says, reminding me I have no makeup on and he saw me. Shit.


"You're hair tied up in a messy bun, your matching sweatpants and sweatshirt, the fact you have no makeup on." he winks.

"So you think girls are prettier when they look horrible?" I ask, confused.

"No, you look beautiful, seriously, your face is too pretty to be covered in makeup."

"Thanks sweetie." I giggle and blush. He smiles.

We get to where the shoot was and I have to go into a dressing room to get ready.

It was a Cosmopolitan magazine cover shoot. All I had to do was pose in front of a nice wallpaper, that's it.

I did every pose I could think of plus everything the photographer said.

"Okay that's a wrap!" someone yells and I realize that the shoot has finished.

Julian has been watching me intently the whole time, but for some reason, it didn't creep me out like it normally would.

Today I have a ton of stuff to do. More interviews, another photoshoot, a meet and greet.

But while I'm busy all day, what is Martin doing?

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu