Chapter 36

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"Okay, ready to go?" I ask Dillon and Julian.

"Yes," they say in unison.

"Okay, I'm ready." Martin appears, coming from the bedroom.

"Passport?" I ask.

"Shit." he runs back to his room, grabs it, and comes back. "Let's go."

We all get in the car, exceedingly excited to be going to the city of Amsterdam.

Ten minutes into the car ride, we start telling each other about our first times in Amsterdam.

"I remember that the first time I was there, me and Martin had a pretty interesting interview..." Dillon laughs.

"Oh, yeah. And we entered someone's house mid-interview because it started raining and we continued it in there." Martin laughs as well. I watch him and smile. Not because it's funny, but because of Martin's laugh. It's contagious.

Martin has different laughs depending on how funny something is to him; for example: he just grinned widely and made a cute giggling sound. That means that it was funny, but not that much. Probably not that much because it must have been funnier before, when it occurred.

"Well, the first time I was there, was last New Years..." I trail off, remembering one specific event of that trip.

"You trailed off. You trailed off! What happened?" and Dillon has caught me.

"Nothing, nothing," I say in a kind of pitchy voice.

"You're lying. What happened?" he repeats the question.

Martin opens his mouth to speak. I give him a warning look.

"Our New Years kiss turned into a make-out session," he says.

My eyes widen.

He winks at me, and I know it means that I have to turn this into a joke.

"And then we had passionate sex on the balcony," I say. I look back at Dillon and Julian and they were both wide-eyed. "One dude even yelled at Martin how lucky he was."

"Are you serious?"

"She is. Best sex of my life. This girl is really good in bed."

I blush, even though he is just making that up.

"I know right," Julian mutters, nobody understanding but me; thank god. I turn to look at him, with a threatening look.

"What?" Dillon asks him.


"So is this all true?" he shrugs off what Julian said.

"Yes. But, Martin, to be honest... you are really bad in bed."

"Oooooooh," Julian and Dillon look surprised but amused.

"Oh god." he starts to fake cry, and it's funny, because he actually acts very well. I can't contain myself any longer and burst out in laughter.

"What the fuck?! I really believed it!" Dillon pushes my seat. I can't stop laughing. "But did you guys really make out?"

We arrive at the airport, doing everything necessary before boarding the plane.

I obviously sit with Martin, Dillon and Julian in the also double-seats in front of us.

"I hate planes," I tell Martin.

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu