Chapter 14

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Martin's POV:

I brush her bottom lip with my tongue and she opens her mouth, causing our tongues to start dancing with eachother.

"Let's go to the hotel." I say in between kisses. She nods in the kiss and we stumble through the crowd of people.

Once we get out of the club, we get a cab and continue our make-out session there.

"Hey, don't do it in the back of my taxi!" The driver says, causing us to laugh; although he was serious.

The cab soon pulls up to our hotel and as soon as we get out we run inside.

The elevator comes and we get in it and immediatly start again. When we get to our room, we sadly have to break the kiss for 30 seconds while I open the door.

I grab her waist and pull her inside the room, kissing her and shutting the door behind me.

We get to the bedroom and I lay her on the bed, and get on top of her.

Then, I suddenly felt her stop. I pull away to look at her and see that she's asleep. Damn.

I get disapointed at the fact that she drank too much and had to pass out before- well, what we were about to do.

But I also feel relieved. Relieved because she's my best friend and it would have been weird, and it could've ruined our friendship.

But I forget about that, because this girl is pretty fucking gorgeous, and I want her.

That's right. I want Madeleine Delacroix and I don't stand a chance.

I get some aspirins and a glass of water and lay them on the night stand next to the bed.

Then, I lay on the couch to watch some TV, and I feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Soon, I'm asleep.

Madeleine's POV:

I wake up, feeling like someone is stabbing a knife into my head, but saw some aspirins and a glass of water on the night stand, not caring who's they were, I took them.

"Why the fuck do I have my dress on?" I whisper to myself. Then I suddenly start remembering everything that happened last night. Holy shit.

I didn't know what to do. Should I go talk about it with him? Or should I just act like I don't remember?

I remember making out with him on the bed and then nothing. I probably passed out due to how drunk I was.

And thank god I did. If we would have- done that then nothing would have ever been the same. Everything would be weird. Although, it's still weird, because... well, we made out.

I get up from the bed and go to the kitchen; I need some coffee.

I enter the kitchen and I see Martin with his phone in one hand and a cup in the other. But most importantly, he's shirtless. Damn, look at those abs. and that v-line that goes down into his pants that hang so lo-

"Good morning," he says, making me snap out of it.

"Hi," I say quietly, my eyes traveling around the room.

"So..." he starts after a few minutes of silence, I just look up at him. "Last night..." he says. Fuck.

"Yeah..." I nod awkwardly. He smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"You're a fucking good kisser." He says, still smirking. I put my head down trying to hide my pink cheeks. When I feel like they have already turned to their natural color, I look up.

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