Chapter 42

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It's not that I don't trust Maddie.

I'm just curious.

But I'm actually not the one who hit Sonny up; that was Dillon.

He's the one who doubted her. And that is the reason why Sonny Moore is now hanging out with me, Julian and Dillon.

Poor guy. They are interrogating him. I'm not, of course.

"Dude, we barely got anything done. They flirted all night long... I'd never felt so left out," Sonny tells us about that one studio night. "And then there's going to be more studio sessions, which I hope aren't anything like this one. I mean, I know we can make a hit. We need her voice. But all that going on between her and Wes has got to stop."

This is too much to process. They spent hours in the studio that night, and 'barely got anything done'? What does he mean by 'flirting'?

Is it odd to say that I'm hurt? I feel pathetic. We sleep together, and it's supposed to be no strings attached. We are both single. Not together. Though I feel played.

What's going on in Maddie's mind anyway? Why does she feel the need to be such a heartbreaker? Why is she so flirty?

As you can see, I have a copious amount of questions. They're just piling up in my head.

Maybe it's nothing. I did say that she is flirty. She flirts with everyone, for god's sake.

And just now, I notice: I'm not the only one jealous here. I can see Dillon and Julian both rolling their eyes and looking at nothing in particular as they think everything through. I don't feel so pathetic now.

I am the only one of us who's slept with her, though.

So why would they be jealous? The fact that they are jealous, makes me jealous. What's up with them? Do they like her or something? Or are they just jealous because she's like our little friend we look after?

I wonder if Madeleine even knows she's like 'the young one' we all take care of.

Why am I thinking so much?

The door suddenly opens, and guess who it is: our little girl.

"Hey guys," she says, noticeably confused. Sonny's never been to any of my houses, and she knows that. She knows we aren't the best of friends, so now I know she's doubting all of us and thinking fast trying to come up with what this could possibly be.

"Hey," I say casually.

"I was just at a meeting." She points at the door with her thumb, as if the meeting was on the other side of it.

"You're wearing meeting clothes."

"You know what my meeting clothes are and I don't?!"

"Pretty much."

"Wow. Okay." And she goes upstairs.

"We should all get going. I recommend it," Dillon says, just above a whisper.

They all get up, trying not to make noise, which doesn't really make sense but seeing them do it is funny so I stay silent.

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu