Chapter 40

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My sister is in L.A.

Right now, me and Ariana are at lunch with her, because she supposedly has a big announcement to make.

"Okay, so, what is the big news?"

"I'm moving to Los Angeles!"

We all squeal and get overly excited. Of course, people at other tables look at us as if we were unusual supernatural creatures.

She tells us all the details about it.

"How's living with Martin?" she asks me, Ariana staring at me intently.

My breath hitches. They don't know anything about what's going on between me and Martin at the moment. And I intend not to tell them.

I feel nervous, because I feel like I have to tell them.

"Good. It's, it's really good," I stutter.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" Ariana asks seriously.

I stare at her for a moment, not knowing whether to tell them or not.

"We had sex," I admit quickly.

"What?!" Sophie shouts, everyone turning to look at her.

Her and Ariana start to squeal in excitement again, and I don't know if I should play along or ignore them.

"How many times?" Ariana asks, a smirk on her face.

I really didn't expect her to ask, so I think about lying.


But lying to your best friends is no good.

"Holy shit!"

They continue to squeal and I look around, at the annoyed people, pretending I don't know them.

"And where?" Sophie has a devilish grin on her face.

I feel guilty.

"All over the house." I cover my face in embarrassment. Not embarrassment for sleeping with him (because, well, he is Martin Garrix, so 'good job' to me) but embarrassment because I'm telling them about the big number of times and that we've done it in almost every spot of the house.

"Woah." Sophie whistles. "You're on fire."

"I guess."

"Thank you for telling us you've done it everywhere so we know where we shouldn't touch," Ariana says.

"You can't be serious saying that you guys have done it everywhere. There has to be some place you haven't."

I get to thinking.

"The studio," I say more to myself than to them.

"How did you guys manage to do it everywhere else?" Sophie asks.

"How could I manage to answer that question?"

"Like, you were just chilling in the living room one day and Mini Martin stood up?"

I find this funny, but I hold back my laughter.

"Actually, you could say, like, Big Martin," I confess.

They raise their eyebrows at me, with smirks.

"Now I see why you did it thirteen times."

My cheeks heat up and I just know that my whole face has turned as red a tomato.

"But that name sounds horrible," Sophie says. "How about," she gets to thinking, "Massive Martin?"

"That sounds like I'm exaggerating to the max."

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu