Chapter 10

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"Okay, so the beat could go like this," Martin said to me while making noises of the beat he had in mind.

"Oh my god that goes perfect with my lyrics!" I got excited and smiled. We high fived and started making the song.

Hours passed and we were almost done, Martin just had to finish it, but he said he was going to do it later on his computer.

"It's so cold." I said walking out of the studio. Martin took his hoodie off and offered it to me.

"No, you will get a cold! Put it back on." I said back to his offer.

"I prefer me getting a cold than you." He tried putting it on me.

"No, really. It's my fault I diden't bring a jacket." He kept trying and started tickling me, I laughed while he was trying to stick my arms in the hoodie's sleeves.

"There, now you have it on." He said after zipping it up while stepping in front of me looking to see how it looked on my body.

I looked at him and smiled. He's such a good person, he prefered getting a cold than me getting one.

"Where are we going?" I asked him while walking to his car.

"It's a surprise." He looked behind at me as he said that.

After 15 minutes of talking and laughing in the car, we pulled up to a place that looked almost abandonned.

"Martin, where are we?" I asked.

"Diden't I say it was a surprise?" He smirked. I looked away and rolled my eyes but smiling.

We got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance, really, what is this place?

What if Martin took me here to-

No, Martin is not like that so I don't think he would do that. I think.

We entered the place and as soon as I saw that it was a bowling alley I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god, I love bowling!" I said.

"Me too." He said smirking.

We ordered a pizza and ate then went to play.

Right when I was about to let the ball go and roll, I felt two large hands on my waist, scaring me.

"Fuck, Martin!" I yelled at him while hitting him on the shoulder.

"Ow." He said sarcastically in between breaths because of laughing so hard.

I gave him a look and turned around to see that it was Martin's turn.

"You waisted my turn!" I yelled in protest but added a little laugh at the end. Then instead of hands I felt arms around my waist while they were swifting me side to side to the song currently playing: "Baby I'm Yours" by Arctic Monkeys.

I turned around and started swifting my hips by myself, as we grabbed eachothers hands. He lifted our hands signaling me to turn around and I did. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck as he did the same with my waist.

"Baby, I'm yours
And I'll be yours until two and two is three
Yours until the mountains crumble to the sea
In other words, until eternity."

We stayed like that for a minute, and it was perfect. I had my head laying on his chest and my eyes were closed while I was enjoying-


I have a boyfriend, and even though this is Martin Garrix, I'm not going to be a cheater.

I pulled away. "What?" He asked me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I-I don't feel right doing this." I stuttered.


"I have a boyfriend." I said looking down at my hands as they played with eachother's fingers.

"Oh." He said, realizing. "I'm... sorry I diden't know."

"It's okay." I said.

"It's getting late, we should go home- I mean, I should take you home- to your home of course, and then uhm, I-I go to mine." He said.

I smiled at how 'nervous' he got and nodded. He took me home and I went to my living room to see a surprise.

"Paul?!" I gasped and opened my eyes wide.

"Yeah baby it's me." He said with a smirk.

I ran and threw myself on the couch to hug him. I missed him, because he and Ian had gone on a long trip.

"Hey, where's my hug?" Ian walked into the room. I pulled away an ran to hug Ian. We all sat on the couch with smiles on our faces and talked.

"What were you doing out at 12:00 pm?" Ian asked.

"Okay," I smiled. "I met Martin! And I'm making a song with him!" They said congratulations and high-fived me. "And I went to the bowling alley with him, and... well we danced... in a romantic way?" I made it sound like a question although it wasn't.


"And I had to pull away." I said looking down.


"Because I have a boyfriend." I whispered, then I looked up to see both with wide-eyes.

"Why the hell diden't you tell us?!" They both added.

"We've been dating for a week, okay?" I said and they both nodded in understanding. "Where are you guys gonna sleep?" I asked while getting up from the couch.

"I'll sleep in your bed with you, Ian's had a rough day he should sleep in the spare room." Paul replied.

We both walked to my room but I entered my walk-in closet to change while Paul changed in the room. After we changed, brushed our teeth and all we got under the warm sheets of the bed.

"You have a boyfriend?" Paul whispered, sounding hurt.

"Yes." I slowly whispered back.

Don't you guys think that now that Martin is here it's more exciting? I do.

Remember to vote and comment, ily!

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu