Chapter 30

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Madeleine's POV:

I look around the restaurant, tens of people sitting at different tables, but I feel like I know them all. I recognize most of them.

Some of them are even my friends, meanwhile, others are Justin's.

Which really makes me think.

I also think it's weird how my best friends overall are sitting all at the same table, and, I won't let out the fact that they are all here.

Martin, Ariana, Dillon and Julian. The only people missing are Paul and Ian, who I eventually look around for and actually find. My eyes widen at the sight of them. I didn't even know they were in Los Angeles, I thought they were in Atlanta, where they live.

They didn't tell me they were coming.

I feel such a need to ask Justin what the hell is going on, because honestly, I really don't understand anything.

"Justin?" he turns to face me. "Why is everyone here our friends?"

He looks at me as if he was thinking something through.

Without saying a word, he stands up.

I see him dig his hand in his pocket, looking for something.

He gets down on one knee before me.

"Justin!" I gasp and cover my mouth in shock.

He opens a tiny box that contains a huge diamond ring.

"Madeleine Delacroix..." he takes a deep breath. "Will you marry me?"

I look around, seeing everyone's eyes on me, while trying to focus on what I should answer right now.

I start to breathe heavily, quietly panicking.

This is so unexpected. SO.

I look back at Justin, my eyebrows crease in some kind of concern and confusion and shock and more.


After taking my time, I finally answer that fundamental, life question.

How many girls would love to be asked that by Justin Bieber?

He jumps up in happiness and I stand up, him grabbing me by my waist, lifting me up and twirling me around. I giggle. We kiss. Everyone claps.

And I can see that table of my best friends from the corner of my eye. No one there seems very happy.

Julian looks sad. Dillon looks sadder. Ariana looks even sadder. But Martin... he looks like he is suffering. He looks like he is about to cry.

As everyone comes up to congratulate us, I see him get up and walk over to the bathrooms.

"Excuse me," I say to the people there to talk to me. I walk over to the bathrooms. As I get there, I see two doors and realize that I can't really get in the men's bathroom. "Fuck," I mumble under my breath.

But then I get an idea.

"Maddie! We've been looking for you. Congrats!" Paul says to me as I see him and walk over.

"Hey! Congrats!" Ian says.

"Thank you guys, a lot," I say. "Listen, I-I need your help."

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu