Chapter 31

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Three months later

"Justin, this is your wedding too!" I yell at him.

Me and Justin have been fighting a lot lately, in my opinion, too much. I think it's just because we are so stressed about the wedding, which is in a month, we take it all out on each other.

"Stop worrying so much! You're running around, trying to organize everything! You don't even remember you have a fiancé!"

"Stop yelling at me!" I yell in attempt to not be yelled at.

"Why the fuck did we even hire a wedding planner if you are still going to be so obsessive?" he ignores what I just said.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I'm just trying to make our wedding perfect."

"You're trying too hard." he walks out of the room.

Sitting at the desk, I lean my elbows on it, placing my head in my hands, crying.

I don't know how much I'm able to take anymore.

Martin's POV:

Here I sit. At this restaurant. Alone. Waiting.

Waiting for Selena to show up.

I told her to meet me here.

I keep tapping my foot, the nervousness not shaking off.

"Hey." she smiles at me, I smile at her presence.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Today's been stressful. I just came from an interview and photoshoot."

"What kind of photoshoot?" I ask.

"Bikini photoshoot."

"Can't wait to see those photos." she giggles.

Selena has a nice body, but truth is, I've seen much nicer.

Like Maddie's.

I sound like a pervert, but hey, I'm a dude.

That reminds me: Maddie.

I haven't spoken much to her lately. We still see each other sometimes, but not as much as before.

But, she and Ariana have separately told me that she's been fighting a lot with Justin lately. And the fights have been pretty bad. She even commented that they have gotten worse than their past fights two years ago, which worries me.

I mean, with the fact that they've moved in together, she's obviously going to be busy.

She's also stressed all the time. Especially now that her wedding is in a month, and she's running around everywhere.

I miss her though.

"And I said 'I should get in the pool!'," Selena says as she laughs. I really don't understand anything because I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, but I pretend to laugh.

"Listen," I call her attention. "I've been thinking really hard about what you said the other night. I mean, do you really mean it?"

"Yes! Of course!" she says happily. "Why not get married?!"

"Is this about Justin or Maddie?" I ask.

"No. This isn't about Justin or... Madeleine. This is about us. We are meant to be. We have to get married. It's our destiny!"

it has always been him • m.gWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu