-[ʟᴏᴠᴇᴀʙʟᴇ ꜱᴛᴀꜰꜰ- xɪɴɢQɪᴜ ]-

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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 3...


𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚕𝚒𝚕_𝚚𝚒𝚚𝚒



You stand at the counter as always, another day in the Wanwen Bookhouse. Almost all the customers are the same.  You notice a small figure walk up the stairs, his little earring swinging around as he walks up to the counter. 

Your daily customer.

He smiles at you. His large golden amber eyes shine in the sun. "Hi Y/N Do you have [Favourite Book]?" You look at him, your head tilted to the side. He wanted that book too? Wouldn't that be out of his taste? 

"U-uh, I dont t-think so." Your eyes widen and you turn around, facing the wall. You clamp your mouth shut, heat rising to your face. 'Why did I stutter? He just spoke to me, that's it.' You sigh, trying to stop getting more flushed. You turn around to face him again.

"Oh, I thought I you would have it." He sighs, the disappointment in his face made you think. It could work right? Xingqiu steps out into the sun to find another book.

"Wait! I could order the book if you want," You lied. Why did you lie? You didn't know but proceded with it anyway. Truthfully you actually owned the book yourself, you just wanted to spend more time with him. Talk to him everytime he came back to find another book, you wanted more of that quality time and that was one of the ways you could get to see him. 

Xingqiu looked at you, his face lightens up.

"That would be great! Thank you!" He trys to hide the excitement in his voice. "I'll see you tomorrow in case it has arrived." He waves at you while walking down the stairs. 

He'll come back tomorrow.

【-Time Skip-】

You arrive bright and early as always, waiting for the few customers that browse, especially Xingqiu. The way he smiles at you makes your heart flutter. You watch the stairs, looking for the blue hair, almost distracted by the fact that people where asking you where things were. They would always have to tap you on the shoulder. 

A few moments later you saw Xingqiu running up the stairs, "Have you got it yet?" He respecfully runs over, trying not to grab the attention of the customers. "Sadly not yet," You lie, "but im sure it'll arrive soon." 

The day passes and Xinqiu had to eventually leave, it was fun being around him, you didnt know why. The sun started to set and you had to go home, excited for the day after, and after. How long could you keep the lie up, you didn't know but so far it was ok.

【-The Next Day-】

Once again you get up, couldn't wait for him to come again. Xingqiu was so nice, he simply fit into your taste in so many ways. Xingqiu walks up the stairs. "Hey Y/N! You got it?" He asks again. Surely he would get tired of coming, wouldn't he? "No, but I got a little thing to talk about!" You happily say to him. 

Again the day passes quickly, it was like the time between you and Xingqiu made time speed up faster. You didn't want to get greedy, he probably had other things to do, you didn't want to hold him back from the other things he wants to attend to. 

The moon once again rises, you start heading back, grabbing the book he wanted out of your bag. Finding a nearby place to sit, you start reading it again. Next thing you know it Xingqiu is there too, leaning over your shoulder.

"A-AH Xingqiu! What are you doing here?" You look down trying to hide your face. "So you did have the book?" He asks you, "why didn't you tell me?" His tone sounded like he was getting onto something, like he figured out what you were doing. You look up at him, his face waiting for your answer.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry if I took too much of your time up. I just..." you stop. He grabs your hand and makes you stand up, the oxygen between you both closing. "It's ok, I thought I was taking up too much of your time." He half-whispers. 

"I lik-" You get cut off by his soft lips, reaching his hand to caress your back. Xingqiu wasn't like this at all from your memory, but you were too embarrassed to even think about much. He lets go.

"Xingqiu why did you kiss me?" You look down at your shoes, blushing madly. "I-i well, I have gained some feelings from those, past days." He mumbles. You look up at him, he looks back at you.

"I only wanted to read the book to see what you were into, because I wanted to know you better."

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