-[ᴀɴ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ - xɪᴀᴏ]

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[𝙶𝙽] [🪶][Small bit of ◼️]


𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟨...


𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚛𝚘m 𝚕𝚒𝚕_𝚚𝚒𝚚𝚒



Walking around Mondstadt as one of the four winds was the thing that people couldn't get used too. Everyone always stared at you with interest, it made you feel a bit like how Barbara felt when her fan club surrounded her. You remember your plans to go to Liyue Suddenly, you see Venti fly down to you. "Hey, Y/N! You care doing a favour for me?" He asks. "Sure, but I was gonna go to Liyue..." You reply slowly. "Oh! Thats good because I want you to say hi to Morax for me" You look at Venti. "That was your favour?" You stare at Venti. "Ehe~ Well, uh bye now!" He walks off to go to the tavern.


A nice day in Liyue harbor, looking around to find Morax and looking at the beautiful views. "Ah, I see one of the four winds." You hear a deep voice to the side of you. Morax looking at you from behind. "Ah! Sorry, I didn't notice that you were there!" You suddenly say. "Venti wanted me to say hi." You reply. There was a pause only to see Morax thinking. "Have I introduced you to the adepti?" 

Come to think of it, you've never seem them before. "Sure! I've never seen them before. The only one I've really heard of Xiao." You cautiously say, trying not to seem nosy. "Follow me." Morax says, gesturing you to follow him.

You end up in the Wangshu inn, walking up the stairs to the top floor, you see a green haired male sitting on the railing. He turned to face you, well mostly it looked like he was turning to see Morax. "Who is this and why are they here, Zhongli." The male stared with a bland look. His eyes looking like he has been through times of dispair, which he probably has. He looked at you, his golden eyes shining slightly from the sun. "Y/N, this is Xiao." 

'Xiao...'  You smile at him. "Now Xiao, please dont be mean to Y/N because you haven't met them for long." You look at him. "Fine." He sighed, looking like he wanted to leave, which he did exactly. He slid of the railing and jumped down to the bottom. You watch him from afar. "So what exactly happened to the rest of the Yaksha?" You hesitated. Morax paused for a second. "In short, when he was young, he was enslaved by an old god who taken advantage of his weakness and forced him to carry out savage and cruel acts in place of the god, which included consuming the dreams of his victims. 

You haden't noticed but you were starting to cry a little. The person you saw in front of you endured all that pain? He may of just ended his life with the other Yaksha, but he decided to endure for longer. "I...I'm going after for him." You suddenly say, running down the stairs. He might've gotten a bit to far for you to catch up but that didn't matter, you wanted to embrace him in a way, feeling way too sorry for your own good. You start to run in the direction he left in. "XIAO!" You shout out. "XIAOOO!" You start to cry and you wanted to know why, you just met him and you're on the floor crying for him. Your loud weeping noises caught his attention. "Y/N, why are you crying?" 

You paused to look at him. "I-im sorry, I just-" You stand up hugging him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOI-" He stops, seeing your tears seep through his shirt. "Y/N..." He slowly murmurs. "I hope you can feel happy." You say in his shirt. "What are you talking about." Xiao starts hugging you back. "Im fine I don't know what you're talking about." He looks down at you. 

"Im ok really."

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