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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 9...


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



The tens of thousands of books surrounded you like a hurricane- a peaceful hurricane. It was almost time to do the final test to be the defence captain. You didn't know how many books you read, but it was worth it. After reading all those books you had to put them back in their spot. 


It was time to leave, with all new knowledge in your mind you headed out, noticing a blonde walk past you as you leave the library. You both meet eye to eye, almost immediately looking away. After walking out of the headquarters, you cover your mouth, blushing intensely. 'He was so hot, who was he?'  Come to think of it, you're pretty sure you've seen him talking to Timeaus at the alchemy place. Thinking to yourself as you go to find Jean, walking around the hustle of Mondstadt didn't make you think less about that blonde who you walked by. 

You spot Jean close up ahead, running over hoping not to be late. "Jean! I'm ready now!" You yell out to her, stopping to catch your breath. "Oh... about that... there has been something going on so we have to delay this test for later, I hope you don't mind, it's quite urgent." You sigh, "It's alright, I can study more I guess." You reply scratching your neck. "Could we do your test tomorrow at the same time perhaps?" She asks, "That's fine with me!" You turn your back to her and start walking back. After you think Jean can't see you, you start speed-walking, eager to see the blonde. Eventually, you're running even though you didn't want to run, you still did.

Bursting through the library doors, quietly. Hoping you don't drag too much attention to yourself, you search through the library, looking for him. You notice the same light-blue eyes from before. "He-" You look at him, looking at you up and down. "You're perfect..." you start to blush, "for one of my experiments." You look at him. "Wha-"

【In Dragonspine】

"Albedo, what are you going to do exactly?" You say, covering your arms from the chill, "And why are we all the way out in Dragonspine?" You innocently ask him, trailing behind the flame. "For painting and for peace when I do my expreriments." He replies softly, holding his hand out behind him incase you fall from the debris on the floor. You grab it, trying to not use it much so it doesn't seem like you're useless. "It's fine if you use my hand, don't worry." He catches on with what you're doing. You look up at him, blushing slightly from his comment. He looks down at your flushed face. "Is anything the matter? You look kind of red." He stops walking to question you. "A-ah I'm just hot," You widen your eyes 'WHAT KIND OF MANIAC WOULD GET HOT IN DRAGONSPINE??'  Albedo rases an eyebrow "H-hot from the torch!" You try and make it seem acceptable. 

You scratch your neck as he sighs, "If thats how it is... then ok." He continues on, still holding your hand. 'Why is he still holding my hand?'  You suddenley get more redder but still holding tightly onto his hand. 'S-should I let go or not?' You stutter through your thoughts, trying to shake it out of your head.

"Well we're here." Albedo turns to you pointing his unoccupied hand to the log for you to sit on. "Now, lets see where did I put it." You see Albedo fiddling with his stuff. Sad he let go of your hand, it was quite warm. You put your other hand over your own trying to keep the warmth from his hand. "Here." He hands you something, "Basically, what I'm trying to do is to see if I can put an element into your body without a vision." He thinks for a second, "Like a slime I guess." You stare at him like you weren't sure it was safe. "I can't guarntee that its safe but you'll it for me, right?" He tries to comfort your 50/50. (Haha yes 50/50 ;]) You sigh and take the interesting coloured drink. "What element will it give me?" You ask before drinking it. "Hm, we'll have to see what it gives you." He says, gesturing you to drink it. 

You look at it and hold your breath. In one gulp, you drink it all, almost choking from drinking too fast. The flavour was very... interesting. Not bad, but you wouldn't drink it often. You felt swirls in your stomach, feeling your arms surge with power. Still not knowing what element it gave you. Albedo looks at you with hopeful eyes. 'Please don't die, please don't die.' You plead to your inner self. 

A few minutes had past and you felt sick. "Albedo, I feel... sick." Almost gagging the words. His eyes widen at your words and the state you were in. He sits down next to you. "It'll be fine, I swear." He says comfortingly, reaching for your hand. 

"You like it when I hold your hand right?"

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