-[ʙᴀᴅ ᴋɪꜱꜱᴇʀ- ᴀʏᴀᴛᴏ]-

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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟻𝟶


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



The day already felt long, it was your 2nd day back at work and you were already done with this. The constant sound of pen on paper sounded so irritating but it needed to be done. One of the papers catches your eye. 'For Kamisato Ayato.' You put it aside, looking at your schedule to see if you had time to deliver it. "3:20... and a meeting at 3:50..." You softly mutter under your breath, you quickly check the time. 2:50. You pack up the unnecessary stuff for later. You continue looking through the endless papers, talking with people and other work-related things. It was time.

You sigh, getting up, packing up everything. You take a step outside, the unexpected strong wind hits your face, it messes up your hair slightly. Every step you took made you feel more nervous for some reason. What was there to be afraid of? You've already talked to him a ton for work. Maybe it was that you hadn't seen him in a while? Or maybe you were just getting nervous for nothing. You shake the thoughts out of your head. 'You're overthinking this, c'mon.' 

The Kamisato Estate appeared bigger and bigger with each step. You were overwhelmed with its grand and beautiful rooves and other things... not that you knew much about architecture though. You appear at the door and knock 3 times. Without having to wait long, Ayato was already there in front of you. He answered the door in basically an instant. "Oh? It's Y/N. Did you have a nice break." He chuckles slightly, you didn't really know what he was chuckling at though. "Yeah, I did, how about you?" His arm gestures you to walk inside. "I haven't really had much of a break. Some papers still get past then and again." He smiles, sliding the door shut.

"So, what did you need me for?" A cheeky glint appeared in his eyes, another mischievous idea probably popped into his mind. "I have a letter for you." The glisten vanishes quickly. "Oh? A letter?" You hand it to him, he softly grabs it from your hand. Ripping it open perfectly. "It seems like a... letter confessing their love..? It doesn't say who." He tosses it aside. "Pretty much useless. Sadly, you had to waste your time coming here. Though... I could need your help with something..." You look at him confused. "What do you need help with?" You immediately answer. 

He guides you over to his desk, and a glisten in his eyes appears again. "What kind of idea do you have in your mind..." You accidentally speak your thoughts. "Oh? It seems you already have an idea..." 

You were right?

He suddenly pulls you into a firm hold. He was pushing you to the wall. "Ayat-" He places his finger on your lips. "Shhh." An unwanted blush creeps onto your cheeks. "I'm going to be late for the meeti-" He cuts you off, his surprisingly soft lips latch onto yours, only for a second. He stops. "Why did you stop." You accidentally blurt it out. "I mean, I didn't mean..." He cheekily laughs at you. "Don't worry, I'll tell everyone in the meeting you were doing something really urgent." 

His arm snakes around your back, leaning in again.

"Before we start..." You interrupt.

"I'm a pretty bad kisser.."

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1. I've been pretty busy

2. Not much motivation




ENJOY THE SHITTY ONESHOT 😁😁💪💪. Watch me not post for another 4 weeks hyahahahha 😭😭😭. (Also i changed the image bc new year new image !!)

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