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-There way be spoilers to the people who haven't done the Sumeru Archon quest.



𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟸6...


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



Instead of the sun burning you alive in the desert, the calming breeze from the city refreshed you. You slowly followed Cyno into the Akademiya, wondering what new commission he has to do this time. "What do you think this new commission will be like?" You ask him, still trailing behind him, glaring at the intricate patterns on the windows. "I don't know yet, we'll have to see." He replies, smiling at your curious expression.

You passed many familiar faces along the way, eventually bumping into Al Haitham. You can hear Cyno sigh and sense him roll his eyes when he starts heading our direction. "What're you up to, Acting Grand Sage?" You tease him slightly, "please, don't call me that." He snaps back, "I should be asking you that question." He looks at Cyno. "Did you get called here for a new commission?" His hands holding some documents. "Yes, I have. Y/N and I should be going now." He quickly finds a way to end the conversation. "Alright then, have a nice day you two." Al Haitham watches you walk off. 

"Wow, you really don't like him do you?" You laugh a little. "No, I truly don't, he gets on my nerves sometimes." He replies to you, his tone annoyed a little. "I mean, he's not entirely bad.." He doesn't finish his sentence. "Moving on, lets get that commission." He grabs your hand, making you walk faster. His soft grip on your hands tightened with each step, making you almost trip. You ignore it and try and match his pace of walking. 

"General Mahamatra Cyno, I presume you are here for your new job." A voice pops out at both of you. Cyno slows down and turns to the man, "yes, I am, now what is it that you need me to do?" His mood switches into what it was like a very formal and attentive voice. "Some Sumerians have seen a suspicious man roaming around the streets, some people think that they might be apart of the Fatui. Judging from the descriptions I'm getting, it seems like they are from the Fatui." He quickly finishes his sentence for Cyno to answer. "I'll see them to justice, just give me a day." He replies, walking off. "Thank you, Mahamatra Cyno!" He yells to him as you walk away. 

After exiting the building, Cyno's serious face turns on. "If they really are from the Fatui, we must find them immediately." He starts walking around the streets of Sumeru, walking into the alleyways that look like a good hiding place for Fatui. Eventually, he finds the right spot, eyeing out someone who looked like they were trying to hide from someone. 

The mysterious figure leaps from his position, fast enough to get past Cyno and onto you. Holding a knife near your neck, threatening Cyno to not do anything. "You better stay put Mr Wolf-boy or your little fellow here gets it." He snaps at him, Cyno's eyes fierce with hatred, anger and who knows what other emotions. "Let. Them. Go." You can hear a slight growl in his voice, pure anger radiating off of him. "Oh? Trying to challenge me? Good luck." You can hear his voice crackle as he slowly lets go of your arms. He once again attacks Cyno, successfully hitting him on the arm. He staggers back, his weapon in hand and in his fighting stance. "You really think you can defeat me with weak hits, if you do."

"You're severely mistaken."

His words sound even more menacing by the second, "fine, if you think you really can defeat me then I'll unleash my true power!" Cyno looks hurt and your not doing anything to help, just there, helpless on the floor, still trying to stabilize your breathing. 'You can do this Cyno, I believe in you!' Suddenly, the man rises up into the skies, looking like he was teleporting to Cyno's position. He quickly leaps back in case he was going to attack. A small thing on his waist was shining. 'A delusion!' Your face is shocked as he teleports through the air landing small attacks on Cyno, wearing him out. You try and reach out to him but a quick strike hits you. "Y/N, stay back!" He calls out to you, getting small glimpses of him. 

"Are you sure you can defeat me now?" The man laughs once again. "Shut. Up" The menacing growl from Cyno is even more angry. He gets up from his position and this time, takes the man seriously.

You could tell he was regaining his strength, pushing through the pain. He quickly strikes the man, making his pattern of teleporting everywhere slower. "Hah, taking me seriously now?" Cyno's lips purse into an angry smile. "Justice will be served." His voice is shaking but still keeping his stance strong. Again and again he quickly attacks the man, his strikes exceptionally stronger than before. "I will not let you hurt Y/N!" He quickly says after another strike.

The battle continued on like this, the people of Sumeru have noticed the battle. Some of the other Mahamatra's try and help, Cyno refusing. Eventually they were both worn out from the attacks and their attack speed. They both pant. 

"Next time be more focused." 

And he teleports away.

☆*☆*: .。. .。.:☆*☆*


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☆*☆*: .。. .。.:☆*☆*

idk i feel like it was dragging onn and onn but thats for you to judge. And its also not edited like every other oneshot so. ╮(╯_╰)╭


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