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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟻𝟻


𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚉𝚣𝚢𝚉𝚣𝚢𝟸



It was a long day of working at the pharmacy. You wipe your forehead, the sweat dripping from the scorching heat of Liyue harbour. You didn't know why it was so hot, but it was really affecting your work. In the corner of your eye, Baizhu walks past, putting some new concoction on the table in front of you. "I tried to make a new medicine that uses up less ingredients and is stronger. If you ever get sick, I would like to test it- if that's alright." He chuckles after his sentence, fixing his glasses while Changsheng slides around his shoulders. "I'm kinda curious as to what it tastes like." You put the herbs you were holding onto the table as well. 

He smiles and rests his hand on your shoulder, he gestures to you, holding his hand at the door. 
"You can go now, it's pretty hot and you've been working hard. Get some rest." He follows you out of the pharmacy and waves you off. He waves. You wave back. You turn around with a happy smile on your face.

Baizhu always cared about your health, when you were sick- which was rare- he came to visit you with every opportunity he had. He brought in tons of medicine and food for you. It was really nice of him. You really did want to pay him back, but you didn't know how. Maybe you should ask him if he wants something? The lively and bustling Liyue drowns out the sound of your steps. Little kids run past with kites in hand and parents sit around and chat. 

Suddenly, something startles you, a hand on your shoulder. You quickly turn around, Baizhu staring into your eyes. He started to breathe out, slightly coughing. "Baizhu! Are you alright? Why did you come here." He seems like he couldn't speak judging that he just ran. "I'm sorry to come back for you, but a patient needs your help." He quickly draws another breath, still tired from running. "Next time if this happens, please don't run. I'll get over there." You quickly sprint over to the pharmacy. Baizhu's voice in the background. "Good luck." You don't stop to turn around but continue running.

In the distance, you see harsh waving. Gui was frantically trying to get you over there. 'I won't just speed up by you waving, Gui.' You quickly pass him and run into the room with the patient. It seemed like they were literally about to die. Why did Baizhu call you over? You couldn't do anything about it. He was the one who needed to transfer some of his life force into them. You shake your head. There was something else you could do. 'The new potion he made... was this a test?' 

"GUI! CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME THE NEW MEDICINE BAIZHU MADE?" You screamed at the top of your lungs out of the door, hoping he heard. A small 'yes' is heard. You quickly get back to the patient. What could you do. The patient lying on the bed was starting to get unconscious. "Please stay awake, just a little longer ok?" You frantically try everything to keep them awake. Gui quickly rushes in with Baizhu's new concoction, handing it to you. "Here... drink this." The patient opens their mouth and swallows... painfully slowly. It felt like it was going to be a 30/70 chance of this working.

Loud footsteps clanged outside the door- Baizhu rushing in, reading to donate some life source to the patient. "Stand back..." 


It was successful.

*☆*☆*: .。. .。.:☆*☆*


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haha bad but its ok. !!!! I'll write more request soon. Hope you enjoy 

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