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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟺7


𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝙲𝚒𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚑𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚣𝚣



Heizou was a cheeky one. First it was asking you to meet up with him and now it was him making you agree to help him with a case. How did he do it? Maybe you were just overestimating his abilities. You grab the first thing that was in your closet- surprisingly a good outfit, probably save it for another time as well. Anyways, you head out. Wondering what Heizou needed help with.

A nice stroll through the streets of Konda Village, the Bantan Sango Detective Agency coming closer with each step you take. You step up to the door and give a small knock. Without having to wait, Heizou immediately opens the door... interesting. "Hey! What is it that you need help with?" You smile, walking in. You notice he locks the door behind you. You start to feel nervous.

"Hey, I just needed you for a little something..." His voice trails off, he starts to walk to his desk and pulls something out... "You see this? I need you to test it out for me." He walks towards you and hands it to you. 'A vibrator?!' Heizou's familiar cheeky smile crept up onto his face. "Test it out for you? But-" He stops your talking by putting a finger on your lips. You swallow.

"Shh..." He pushes you against the wall and kisses your tender lips. At this point you were getting pretty wet and really did want that vibrator in you. Heizou continues to kiss you all over, caressing every part of your body. He slowly pulls your skirt down, as well as your soaked panties. "I didn't expect you to be this aroused already~" You want to kiss him again but before you can he presses his finger on your slick pussy. You take a sharp breath, feeling his soft fingers on your entrance. He licks his finger and smirks, "and of course, you taste so good." He grabs the vibrator and puts it on your thighs... inner thighs... and finally near your entrance, just teasing the soft flesh. "Please put it in..." You whisper, he smirks in response while taking it and creating circles around. "Desperate are we?" He chuckles and teases your entrance more.

Another soft gasp escapes your lips as you plead for him to put it in. "Please..." your voice basically turns into a whisper. He gives you a smile and thrusts it slowly in you. Deeper and deeper. The vibrator was coated with your juices in such a short amount of time. You felt its low hum inside of you, hitting that good spot with each small thrust Heizou made. You feel him click a button, making the strength higher and faster, and so fucking good. A loud moan escapes you but he pulls it out, the vibrations off. "W-what are you doing?" Your voice was weak and you stare out the vibrator that was now in his mouth. He was tasting you. "Maybe I need to eat you out later hm~?" You were more red than you were already were.

"Here," he hands you the vibrator, "come back tomorrow and tell me if its good." He chuckles, handing you your clothes. "I will..." He follows you out of the agency. "Bye bye~." 

You were definitely going to have some fun tonight.

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Why am I good at writing smuts but not normal stories what. Anyways enjoy Ciphershyperzz

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