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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟸3...


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



A stroll in Inazuma is all you needed to calm yourself down from the tough day of work. You sigh as you hear the calm sounds of the wind run through your hair, making it hit your face. 'Why don't I go say hi to Heizou?' You listened to your thoughts and continued on, making it to Heizou's headquaters. You put your hand on the door, opening it withut knocking. "Hi Heizo- oh..." You start to blush, seeing the unexpected sight in front of you. "Oh? You like the view?" He chuckles at your flushed face. "S-sorry for uh, coming in without knocking." You scratch your neck. "Oh, it's really alright, I only took my shirt off because I spilt something on it, haha" He welcomes you in, closing the door behind you. 

Still flushed, you walk in slowly. "So why are you here? Do you have a case for me?" He questions you softly, with also lots of curiosity springing from his voice. "O-oh, I just wanted to check up on you, or I was just bored." You trail off. "Just checking up on me?" Heizou laughs a bit more, still shirtless. 

Moments passed, trying to avoid eye contact with him to accidentally look at... that. "Hey Y/N? Why do you keep on looking away from me? Is it because I'm shirtless?" He laughs a bit more under his breathe, watching your face nod slowly. "Y-yes.." You say quietly. You hear Heizou stand up. "What if I do this?" 

Heizou pushes you against the wall, his bare chest pressing against your clothes, "H-Heizou! What are you doing?" You get even more flustered, trying to get as small as you could. "Hehe, what do you think I'm doing?" He laughs a bit, leaning in to just tease you. He gets back to his original position. "Haha, sorry about that, just wanted to see what you would do." He sits back in his chair. "I think it's time for me to leave now. I need to be somewhere." You suddenly think. "Oh! Ah, ok, See you next time! Make sure to stop by if there's anything you need me to solve." He blows a kiss on your way out, making you blush. 

After the door shut behind you, you try and process everything that had happened. You felt so embarrassed at what you saw and especially what happened. 'He was shirtless, kabedoned me, and almost kissed me!' All the thoughts rushed around in your head like a hurricane, still a bit red. You continue along the path and bump into Kazuha. "Oh hey, Y/N! You look a bit red, is anything the matter?" He tilts his head to the side, "O-oh, you know Heizou? He kinda.." you get even more flushed. "O-oh, that's what happened huh..? I won't ask anymore since you seem very... embarrassed." He respects of what happened to you. "Y-yeah... thanks." You smile at him, waving goodbye as you walk off.

You sigh,

'Heizou really can be very interesting sometimes.'

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A/N I know it's not the best but eh.

:*¨༺{ 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 }༻¨*:Where stories live. Discover now