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This oneshot includes lots of people like, Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Childe, Chongyun, Cyno, Itto, Kazuha, Wanderer, Heizou, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao and Xingqiu. I know this isn't all the characters, I'm only doing the ones I've written for, sorry!



𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟸5...


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



You look around the room, sound of chatter fills your ears as the Valentines Party came to life. One of the boys noticed you, Kazuha, one of the kindest of the bunch walked over with Venti and Heizou. You noticed Venti was already a bit tipsy. "Hey there Y/N, having a good time so far?" He smiles at you. You notice the glass of wine in Kazuha's hand. "It's been pretty nice, also you're going to drink?" You question, a hint of worry already knowing what happened last time. "Ahhh... I wanted to do it for a special occasion like today I guess." He laughs nervously, "Well, enjoy the party!" Kazuha and Venti walk off leaving Heizou. 

"You look extra stunning today, Y/N" He smirks, also winking at the same time. "Oh come on..." You try and hide your blush. "I see your having a good time already. Well, I won't take up all your time." He smiles, waving off. "See you around, Heizou!" You yell to him over the sounds of chatter. 

You walk around a bit, getting a few snacks, avoiding the alcohol. You run your hands along the snacks to bump into Itto. "Haha! Happy Valentines, Y/N. This party is so epic." He laughs, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Yes, it is really cool." You smile as he grabs some more food. "Oh god- I should have checked the ingredients before I ate it." He says slowly. "I doubt it has beans though-" You slowly say, "Well, I'll be the judge of that..." He walks off carefully. You laugh and move on. 

Finding a place to sit, you see Chongyun and Xingqiu sitting away from everyone. "Hey guys! How have you been finding the party?" You smile at them, sitting closer. "I think the excitement has gotten Chongyun kinda weird, I guess." You look at his tired face, "Hes tired already??" You question. "I think so..." Xingqiu thinks. "Chongyun, rest up ok!" You leave them for peace and quiet.

As soon as you get up you get surprised by Childe. "Hey comrade, how have you been?" He asks you, his voice energetic for some reason. "Its been going quite well, and you?" You look at him waiting for an answer. "Ah, yes It's been good for me too, the food there is pretty good, have you tried it?" He returns with another question, "Mhm, the food is pretty good." You say to him. "I'm gonna go get some water, see ya." He walks off near the table full of food. It was really an excuse to get more food.

You continue your walk around the place, running into Wanderer. "Tsk, its you." He says crossing his arms. "Come on, you don't need to act like that with me." You pout at him. He sighs. "Fine, how has the party been going for you?" He manages to say to you, trying to avoid eye contact. "It's been going good thank you." You giggle slightly. "Look, I'll be back here, come if you need anything." He turns around and walks into the other room.

You walk to the next room to see it not as crowded. Instead you see a epic TCG match going on between Cyno and Alhaitham. "Hi everyone, whose winning?" You try and take a peek at Cyno's cards. "They're both deep in concentration." Tighnari says to you, also seeming very invested in the match. You sit yourself down on the couch where Cyno was. "Wow you have pretty good cards, you try and keep quiet only letting Cyno hear. "Hey, don't let Alhaitham know!" He death stares at you. "Sorry, sorry!" You look away from his cards viewing what was happening on the table. You get up, already getting bored. You were the type of person to play a match not watch one. "I'll leave you guys be, wishing the best for both teams. "See you around." Alhaitham says.

You move along, seeing Ayato and Thoma. "But, Mr Ayato you can't drink too muc-" You hear Thoma complain, "Oh, its really fine." Ayato laughs back. Interested you walk over to see Ayato drinking lots. "Ahh, was it a bad time?" You as Thoma. "I mean, not really, Mr Ayato is just... celebreating I guess." He laughs nervously, scratching his neck. "Oh hey there Y/N, sorry for being like this when you first see me in this party." He puts down his drink, his breathe smelling of alcohol. You sigh, "How drunk are you!!" You laugh at him, his arms crossed. "Come on, don't say that-" He says to you, kind of childish. You look at him, "Go sober up and then talk to me." You giggle at him more. "Fine." He says, grabbing his drink and handing it to Thoma to put it away. "I'll come back to you later." Ayato says from across the room, you nod.

Nearby sitting on a bench you see Albedo with his sketchbook out. "What're you sketching?" You ask him, mostly all his focus on the magnificent drawing. "I was trying to draw Xiao in there." He points to the room nearby, seeing Xiao there. 'I'll go say hi to him after I talk to you. Also this drawing is so good!" You take a closer look. "Thanks." He says calmly, continuing with his drawing. You sit up and walk into the room Xiao was in.

You see Xiao staring out of the window. "I honestly don't know why I'm here." He senses your presence. "Come on, don't be like that, its a party." You sit next to him. "It's just that, theres too many people this time, and I thought the Lantern Rite dinner was crowded." He shakes his head. "It's fine if you don't talk to anyone, its the thought of you coming here that counts." You assure him, "Just don't go home yet, I'm sure theres going to be something on soon. You pat him on the back, walking out of the room.

Finally the main event of the party begins. "Heh- *hic* thank you everyone for *hic* coming to the Valentines Party!" Venti stops to try and sober up a bit more, "The moment *hic* you've all been waiting for, *hic* the vote on the prettiest or most handome *hic* person here!" You can hear Venti giggle on the stage. "Place in your *hic* votes people!" He gets off the stage, sitting down to rest his drunk self. 

After the votes go in, you felt a strong sense of eyes staring at you. It couldn'tve been you could it?? You were confused because there were many hot people in the room. Venti gets up from his chair, more 'sober' than he was before. "The votes have been counted *hic* and the winner is...!" His face doesn't seem so surprised. "Is Y/N!" At first you were confused, then you realised what actually had been said. You? Out of all people? You were flattered. Venti gestured you onto the stage. "Any words, Y/N?" The silence of everyone killed you inside, your face red from knowing many people in the room thought you were flattering. "I- um, thank you guys for voting me.. Uh, I hope you have a good rest of the night." You say the first thing that comes to mind. "Why did I get voted!!" You whisper accidentally loud enough for Venti to hear.

"Maybe because lots of us love you." 

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Oh god that was so long tho. Well, enjoy your Valentines special. I hope you are happy with it!!. Also this isn't editied because I didn't want it to be too late when I publish it and mostly because I'm lazy atm.

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