-[ᴊᴏᴋᴇꜱ- ᴄʏɴᴏ]-

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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝟻3


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



How much longer did he have to walk for? He didn't think it was the wrong way. A few more steps in and he was about to give out. How much longer was it? He literally just wanted to see Albedo because he was bored and had a week off from his daily Mahamatra duties. While you were in Mondstadt filling in for Albedo, all his experiments were still waiting to be marked off. You softly sigh, reaching for some of the papers and tucking them away in a drawer to make the place seem neater. 

You brush your hand along the extremely dusty windowsill, contemplating whether you should clean it up or leave it there. In your laziness, you dismiss it and find a spot to sit down. You stare out the window, seeing an unfamiliar person walk through the gates of the city. It looked like someone from... Sumeru maybe? You shrug, seeing him approach the entrance of the alchemy building- which you were in. He knocks, a nervous shock goes down your spine. You walk to the door, turning the knob, seeing his face greet you with a slight smile. "Um, hi, is Albedo in there?" You shake your head slightly, "Sadly not, what did you need him for..?" You smile back at him.

His face turns a little awkward, "Uh, I was gonna tell him some jokes!! I have a week off from work so.." He sighs, about to turn around and say bye. "Uh, hey, how about you tell your jokes to me? I'm not doing anything anyways." You start to walk outside, gesturing for him to follow you. "Sure, if that's what you want." He walks out with you. His presence seemed kind of... scary in a way. And what he was wearing seemed kind of... intimidating- especially the hat... You didn't know what that was about. 

"Oh, I forgot to ask, but what's your name?" You smile at him, making his attention turn to you rather than what he was thinking about. "Oh, my name is Cyno. General Mahamatra from Sumeru." He says with a smirk on his face. You look at him awkwardly, "I assume that's a big role right?" He nods after you respond. "Oh, and I'm Y/N. I work for Albedo. He's off doing something in Dragonspine so..." You trail off, looking at him once again- he nods. 

It felt like it was getting awkward now, you were at Cider Lake, just strolling around it. You both find a place to sit, you stare into the glassy waters. "Wait, do you wanna play TCG?" He suddenly brings up. "Right now? I don't have my deck though..." He smirks once again. "I am one of the best players in the world! I have a few sets here with me!" He brings them out of literally thin air. "Oh, wow, that's a lot of cards... and the back of them.... did these take you long to collect?" You notice that the cards seemed really expensive and cool. "I actually got this one from Mondstadt, Albedo designed it for me." He passes it to you, "Just make sure you don't bend or scratch my cards when you're playing." 

The round of TCG started, and you were pretty surprised. You thought you were a decent player already but, Cyno seemed hard to beat. You had to lock in. The two of you don't even say a word, pure focus was put into the game. It was nearing the end, and it switched to your turn. With 2 cards at 1 HP, your last card was your only hope. You ult and it destroys the rest of Cyno's low HP cards. You look at him, he starts to frown. "I must admit- you did well." He sighs, starting to pack up the cards. "You were better than I thought." 

Suddenly, the sun started to gleam into your eyes. "Wow, it's already sunset? I didn't think we were playing for long..." You stare at it, mesmerized. "I mean, it's all because of the healing. Speaking of which, do you want a card to keep?" He looks at you, passing you some of the cards. "Really? But weren't they hard to get...?" You want to refuse the cards but he insists you take it. "Here, please take one." You hesitantly take it, the shiny cards in your hands. One of them stands out, you pick it out. "You want the one of me?" His eyes light up. "Mhm." You hand the deck back to him, he starts to smile. 

After getting to know him, he didn't seem so scary at all. In fact- a pretty fun guy.

"I would like to rematch you later." He smiles and starts to walk back to the gates. You run after him.

"Wait! You never got to tell me your jokes!"

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Ok what why is this like the best oneshot I've written in a while. I mean the writing itself is mid but its actually long wowzers!!! Enjoyyyyyy!!! LY ALL!!!! THANKS FOR ALL THE READS POOKIESSS. WE'RE ALMOST AT 100K 😭😭😭

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