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𝙻𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 10...


𝙾𝚠𝚗 𝙸𝚍𝚎𝚊



The sun was cooking you alive. Actually, it felt like your skin was burning off. You were only burning yourself alive for a good cause. You were looking for food, without if, you would die. You gulped your spit, the sand consuming you. 'Am I going to pass out?' The question goes back and forth in your mind. 'I can't continue on like this...'  You fall to your knees, struggling to stand up. But all fades.


"Hey! You awake yet?" You hear a male voice say. You try and sit up but you were in pain. "O-ow." You clutch your arm. "You almost burned alive out there." He says, knealing down to you, inspecting your burns. "I thought I died, you say with a small voice, your throat feeling dry. "Do you need water?" He asks you, standing up, his headgarments swaying in the direction of the wind. "Um yeah." You touch your throat. He throws you a bottle of water. "Thanks.." You say to him, his red eyes locking into yours for a moment. 

"So where did you come from." He trys to forget your eye contact. "Oh uh Aaru Village." You reply hesitantly for some reason. "Why did you come out all the way here?" You sit there for a while. "I uh..." You pause, 'I went to the desert to find food, but why would there be food here?' Or did I go out for another reason?' He looks at you, waiting for your answer.

You lived alone in Aaru Village, no one to look after you. Your parents dissapeared, probably died. You were only young. You were left in that house in Aaru Village. You only survived from begging for food and water. Maybe you were looking for company, not food.  

You clear your throat, your true answer, "I came out for someone..." His expression only changed the slightest bit. "For someone?" He replies, "I mean if you don't want to talk about it its fine." He suddenly adds on, looking at your burnt skin, trying to avoid eye contact. "Its fine, I don't want you to worry so much." You honestly reply, letting go of your arm. This time his expression changes more clearly. "You don't want me worrying about you? I mean I am the General Mahamatra, so-" 

"G-GENERAL MAHAMATRA?" You cut him off, "SO IM TALKING TO C-CYNO??" You seem to be shocked, you were talking to the one and only Cyno, the one who was so menacing. From the way people described him, it seemed like he was a villian. "Well.. uh, I didn't think you would be so shocked.." He scratches his neck. "Oh! I'm sorry... I kind of overreacted, haha-" You try to comfort him. 

【After A few Minutes】'

You and Cyno have gotten very comfortable talking to eachother, it was like you were being reunited with one of your good friends after a few months. You even almost laughed at his pretty bad jokes. 

"You wanna hear another joke?" He asks you. "And make sure to be prepared for this one!" He continues. "Sure!" You almost start laughing even before the joke. "I don't trust those trees." He says, arms crossed, "But there are no tre-" 

"They seem kind of shady." You start to laugh, very loudly. "Thats actually pretty good." You look at him, his eyes shining. "Are you ok, Cyno?" You say to him. "Huh? Oh, no I'm fine." He snaps out of his daydreaming. "I was just thinking..." 

"Thinking about what?" He becomes quiet for a second.

"T-thinking about you..."

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ACKK I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING, I was pretty busy this week and last week so I didn't get time to write! I hope this makes up for it. 🥺🥺

:*¨༺{ 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 }༻¨*:Where stories live. Discover now