Prologue (part 2)

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Hello readers, yes this is an update in 2024.
But it's not gonna change the chapter, I'm just here to share a little something.

For all of you that don't like the female Rimuru addition, quit while you're ahead. A lot of you comment that you're dropping this because of it and I don't need to know that.
If you wanna drop it, do it quietly and don't bother me with your comments.

That's all, for all of you that do like it, that makes me happy, just sent a suggestion of something that you want me to do and I'll see what I can do.

Enjoy the story and goodbye.

(8years earlier)
In another world we see a beautiful person with silver-blue hair and golden eyes that looked like they were shining.

This person was incredibly bored while sitting in front of multiples stacks of papers.

"Why? Why do I have to do all of this paperwork, I didn't even notice when it doubled again. I have been doing the same routine everyday: wake up ,eat , work, eat, sleep. I know I don't have to sleep, but it just feels natural."

<Master, would you like it for me to help you sort out the important papers and divide it based on the subject?>

>Yes, I would be very grateful if you would help me with that. But why? You have almost never helped before, so why now?<

<Master, this is because of something I've been preparing for a while now.>

>And what would that be?<

<That would be a plan to reincarnate you in another world for a long vacation. This in turn needs a lot of preparation and planning to find the best possible planet or plane of existence for your happiness.>

> That does sound like fun, but what would happen here? Would it be fine to leave this place behind?<

< That is of no concern Master, you could just leave a {parallel existence} to keep watch and protect this planet from danger.>

>In that case, when are we leaving?<

<We are leaving in approximately 10 days from now. After all you need to inform everyone of this and tell them that the clone you left behind will only be keeping watch and protecting the planet.>

>Very well.<
(Time skip 8 days later)
We see a man in a butler outfit with black hair and some yellow and red mixed in with it as well as golden eyes with a red hue and black sclera.

Diablo:" Master please take me with you?"

Rimuru:" Sorry Diablo, but let me think about it okay? I'll make sure to answer before I leave."

Diablo:" Very well, Master."

Rimuru:(sorry Diablo, it's not that I don't want to take you with me but it would be weird if you called me Master in another world.)

(Time skip 2 days later)
We see the silver-blue haired person saying goodbye to everyone until it was Diablo's turn.

Rimuru:" Diablo, I will permit you to come with under a few conditions, is that clear?"

Diablo with a delighted look said "yes".

"Condition 1: you will have your power and memories sealed until I unlock it.
Condition 2: you will not rampage when your powers return. Is that clear?"

Diablo:" Yes, my lord, I accept these conditions and request to accompany you on your journey."

As this was said the two started to make their way to the plaza and when they reached the center they disappeared leaving not a trace of dust or power.
(In a hospital room)
We see a man with black hair and hazel colored eyes sitting in a chair on the side of a bed,
In that bed was a beautiful woman with black hair and light-gray eyes holding a baby with golden eyes and barely any hair.

Rimuru:(Where am I? Is this a hospital?)

Ciel:<Yes master, you are in a hospital as you were just born.>

Rimuru:(If that's so it means it was successful and I finally have my son back)

Rimuru was so happy to thinking that he got his 'son' back, that he didn't notice that he didn't feel anything there.
(After a few minutes)

Rimuru finally calmed and tried to look at his son to confirm his desire and suddenly a look of utter despair crawled his face seeing that he didn't have anything down there, except he could see something, but it was barely noticeable. This confirmed the suspicion he had when he didn't see his 'son', he was a female now.

Rimuru :>Ciel, what the hell? Why did you make me a female?<

Ciel:<Because Master can never achieve her full beauty in a genderless or male form, by that logic I made master a female to allow you to reach your true beauty.>
(5 years later)
We see Rimuru in a playground talking with a boy with black hair mixed in with yellow and red as well as golden eyes with red hue and white sclera.



Diablo:"What is your name?"

Rimuru:"My name is Rimuru and what is yours ?"

Diablo:"My name is Diablo, it's nice to meet you, Rimuru." He said with a smile on his face.

Rimuru:"It's nice to meet you to Diablo.(He really didn't change much even without his memories and power.)

Hello everyone this is the end of this chapter and in the next one we will start with a ten year time skip.
If you have any questions leave them in the comments I will try to answer all of them.

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