Big battle (1)

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After having explained everything to the two of them, Shiro agreed that she would stay behind and only battle in case necessary, while Chloe would stay behind and make sure the baby in her womb I'd going to stay alive and safe.
Shiro didn't like that Chloe had the child of her wife, but yet again, she knew it was only because Rimuru pitied her student and didn't want to leave a debt.

Shiro saw how happy Chloe was everytime her hand reached above her womb and noted that she also wanted to feel what that was like, Rimuru noticed this and ruffled her hair "I'll give you one when the battle is over and I am free." Shiro smiled and nodded.

Chloe had at first also wanted to participate, but hearing Rimuru's arguments, she really couldn't refute.
Rimuru was well aware that should anything happen to these two that she would go mad.
This time it wouldn't be the small fit if rage like in the dimensional chasm, that fit of rage there would feel like a floating cloud compared to the true extent of her anger.

After a week of hanging out with Shiro and making sure that Chloe could adapt to their planet's society, Rimuru had started preparing a spell that could block off this dimension from the rest of the dimensions, so much so that even if all the other dimensions were destroyed by their clash, this one would still be unscathed.

Rimuru took about 2 days to prepare it, and said her goodbyes, she then disappeared and appeared outside of this dimension and not inside of the void between dimensions, no she actually went above it, above the dimensions was a massive void, this void was the same place where Rimuru spent those countless years in the end of space/time, below her there was a massive river, and this river housed every single dimension, from the outside they were like little marbles and inside of it was an endless space that kept growing infinitely.
Rimuru had placed an anchor in Shiro's dimension and executed the spell, the entire dimension was surround by energy wires, they wrapped around the dimension and disappeared, all of a sudden the dimension disappeared into thin air, it was still there and Rimuru could see it, but others wouldn't notice it at all.
Rimuru then looked around and noticed a massive orb floating around.

After 2 weeks of flying, Rimuru had finally appeared outside of the orb, even with full speed which could cross thousands of dimensions in a matter of nanoseconds did it still takes nearly 2 entire weeks to arrive here and spatial domination or teleportation doesn't work because there's no space here to dominate or control.

Rimuru who had arrived at the side had punched a hole through the outer layer. A massive wave of energy pushed against Rimuru and passed through her harmlessly.
Rimuru then went inside and locked the orb again.

Rimuru was amazed, inside the massive orb was a space so big, there were countless stars and even space was here, it made her suspicious, but not wary. As she continued exploring the orb, she noticed a palace in the middle of this orb, this palace was massive yet small in comparison with galaxy's.

Rimuru felt the aura in there and activated her barriers and boosts, her already enormous power had multiplied just now and every moment warped space and cracked the infinite layers without problems. The endless energy in this orb was repairing the layers of space at a speed that the destruction couldn't keep up with.

Rimuru had walked into the massive hall and saw a middle-aged man with black eyes and black hair sitting on the throne. There was also another throne, but this one was empty.

Rimuru's eyes lit up in fury and asked "Is this really the best place to hide... Yuuki?"

Yuuki stood up from his throne and said "Why not, you've seen this place, look at it, it's beautiful isn't it.
This is exactly what I wanted to do with the cardinal world, but you were too fast.
The first time we truly fought you had sealede into your imaginary space and then you made the giant mistake of sealing me somewhere else, I don't know where that space is, but you really shouldn't have sealed me there.
Now I'm stronger than ever and even you can't beat me anymore.
There's also a the fact that I have a partner in crime who just happens to be busy at the moment."

Rimuru quirked an eyebrow and asked "You? Stornger than me? Just because you've survived that place does not mean you're stronger than me."
Yuuki laughed out loud and said "Even now, you refuse to see it, it's prove I'm stronger than you."
Rimuru was confused and simply punched out towards Yuuki.
Yuuki raised his hand and swatted the attack away.
He then gave a cocky grin and asked "Was that it?"
Rimuru was shocked, but this quickly turned into amusement and an insane grin.
"This is good, you actually did grow, that blow had enough power to Instantly kill you if you were still as powerful as before.

Yuuki lashed out and gave a sideways kick to Rimuru's head, Rimuru lifted her arm and blocked the kick, the shockwaves destroyed everything around them, the layers of space dissipated front he clashes alone, their presence altered the reality of the void and the giant orb had disappeared into thin air, some small debris was still floating in the endless void, but they also quickly broke down into nothing.

Rimuru felt the power behind that kick and was kinda worried, she then sealed her power again and started fighting Yuuki on an equal battle.
The endless void was affected by the shockwaves and tiny cracks were appearing around them every second, Rimuru avoided them because she didn't know what would've happened had she entered them.

Yuuki on the other hand used these cracks and kept teleporting between them, Rimuru's instincts reacted in time to block every blow, during the fight Rimuru was also letting Ciel analyze everything around her. Ciel quickly figured out how to use the cracks in the void and Rimuru got all the information on how to use them as well.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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