The rouge scarlet

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No pov:

We zoom put from earth by at least trillions of times until we see a being with 3 eyes and scarlet clothing looking through a crystal ball, on the other side of the crystal ball there was a rough looking man with black hair and white piercing eyes, the rough looking man was releasing a pressure that the man in red had never felt before.

"Can I assume you are the Rouge Scarlet?" Said the rough looking man with a tone of curiosity.

The rouge scarlet replied saying "Yeah, what is it to you?"

The rough looking man showed a hint of annoyance at the antics of the man in red, yet he still said "There is a person I want you to kill."

"Oh really, and who could that be?" Asked the red man with a questioning look as if asking why the rough looking man wasn't killing that person themselves.

"I'm incredibly busy and that person isn't making it any less worrisome." Replied the rough looking guy.

"Very well, but who is this person and what do I get as reward?"

"You'll be killing this person and your reward will be what you believe the effort is worth." While showing a picture of the most beautiful girl with blue-sliver hair.

"Very well, but how do I contact you when I don't even know your name?"

"My name is #######." Said the rough looking man, continued by "It seems you're still not strong enough to hear my name, good luck."
On earth we see Rimuru and Shiraori calmly eating dinner when all of a sudden they both tensed up and immediately assumed a fighting position.
Rimuru pov:

What is that pressure, while it's weak compared to me, it's still at high 1-c, Shiraori is 1-b, but she is still inexperienced, so it would be better that I don't interfere and just let the both of them duel it out inside of my newly created dimension that just popped into existence not even 5 seconds ago.

"Shiraori, this fight is yours, be careful though he's still more experienced than you, so if you're not careful you could just end up dying, also I've made a little space for you two to fight, that way the outside world isn't going to be affected."

"Huh, I'm supposed to fight that person, but you can sense how strong he is?"

"Yeah, weaker than you by quite a bit, but you don't have nearly as much experience as that person."

"How do you know that, you've never even met that person?"

"The aura he's emitting is less than yours, but it's way more refined and concentrated, this tells me that he's definitely fought a lot of battles before."
No pov:

The man in red is approaching earth at an incredible speed and doesn't seem to plan to stop, most likely thinking that if this planet is destroyed that Rimuru might have been taken with it, yet the moment he was about to crash against the planet, he was suddenly transported into a different space all together with stars shining brightly all around him, the only other things he could were planets and a girl clad in white.

"Are you the Rimuru I'm looking for?!" Yelled the man clad in red.

(What is he doing, we're in space, sound doesn't travel here, so I can't hear him.)

The next moment the man in red jumped forward at an incredible speed and threw a punch towards Shiraori who was just standing there and the moment the fist was about to connect with Shiraori's face, Shiraori simply lifted a single hand and blocked the incoming punch, the shockwave created by the punch made the planets around the crumble to dust and the stars flicker on and off as if it were a lightbulb.
With a surprised face the man in red jumped backwards and before he stopped his vision went blurry as a strong punch connected with his jaw and sent him flying a few galaxies away, every star and planet in that direction were simply erased from existence from the sheer force of Shiraori's punch, it was almost like she replicated the explosion from  a supernova and fixated on one point. From this alone they both knew they were holding back quite a lot, since they would normally destroy the concept of time itself if they went all out.
The both of them looked at each other with clear conviction before rushing at eachother, when that clashed a shockwave was released that destroyed the surrounding multiverses by passing through it, the shockwaves came one after another and they kept originating from the fierce clash between the two, while the man in red definitely had the upper strength because of his experience, Shiraori had the physical advantage and every time they clashed Shiraori got just a tiny bit stronger and stronger, as the duel continued for 5 days, Shiraori decided it was time to end this.

The two figures inside of the endless void were facing one another with determination that was unrivaled by any other being.
The second they locked eyes they rushed at eachother with the intent on killing the other one with everything they had and the final clash shattered space and time itself.
Rimuru sighed thinking that he would be the one to have to fix all that damage, meanwhile Shiraori was standing in nothing with a hotel straight through her torso while the man in red vaporised by Shiraori's attack leaving nothing but energy traced.
Rimuru pov:

Shiraori did absolutely incredible, she even managed to grow her strength up to high 1-b and while it would still take her a while to get over the wall and break into 1-a, her growth rate is truly frightening, just one fight made her strength grow almost an entire rank and that was against a weaker opponent, I wonder what would happen If we fight, no let's set that aside for now.
The first thing is that I don't know who he is, yet he was clearly targeting me, I can probably assume that someone was behind this and if that's the case, than I can also assume that that person is stronger than this one, I really need Shiraori to grow much stronger, I hope I still have some time left for that.

That's the end.
Hope you enjoyed it

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