Giving birth. timeskip

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We start with a two week timeskip and Chloe was in labor, her water broke yesterday evening and she was currently giving birth to the baby.
Rimuru had rushed her over to the hospital immediately and made sure that she got a perfect room, Rimuru didn't want anything to happen to either Chloe or her child.

Shiro stayed at home, there was no way she would be holding the hand of the person giving birth to her wife's kid, even if she saved all of creation a billion times,.She would still not be okay with it.

Rimuru had remained at the hospital and stayed besides Chloe the entire time.
During the procedure, a massive amount of magic was released and directly disintegrated everything it touched, Rimuru out up a barrier before it could harm anyone.

Right after the baby was completely out of Chloe and it's umbilical cord was cut, Rimuru felt a drain on her power and checked with Ciel to see what's going on.

>Ciel, do you know what that drain is?<

<It's your blessing being bestowed upon the child, since it's connected by biological soul, the power it takes is much higher and could potentially gift the kid an Ultimate skill.>

Rimuru didn't know about it, but quickly realised why Veldanava had actually died by humans because he was weakened due to having Milim.
Rimuru felt the need to hit Milim, but she restrained herself and picked up the child, she looked at it with a small smile and said "You'll grow up beautiful just like your mom." The child was a son, but because of the genese of both Rimuru and Chloe, the child resembled the characteristics of a female.

Chloe received the child and was asked to give it a name, she pondered for a good minute and said
"I'll give It the name Toki." Rimuru agreed that if ftid the theme, she then said goodbye and welcomed her back home for 3 days.

During the last weeks Rimuru had been keeping a close eye on the activities of Yuuki and his partner, she couldn't find much, but that's to be expected.

After 19 years.
Toki the baby had grown up into a muscled young man, his power was nothing to scoff at, but he was no match for Shiro, Chloe or Rimuru.
The child had just graduated highschool and wanted to explore the dimension, he also wanted to fight strong people, learn more about his power and find someone to love, he had envied the love that Shiro and Rimuru shared.
Toki for the first 8 years of his life was confused on how the whole parents thing worked.
Chloe was mom, Rimuru was mother and Shiro was stepmother.
He had disliked Shiro due to 2 reasons,
1 she didn't treat Toki that well, because he was not hers and two, Toki saw Rimuru in live with Shiro while Chloe was in love with Rimuru, so he disliked her for splitting up his mom and mother.

Rimuru on the other hand had grown weary due to the recent moves of Yuuki, everything he did had a reason and Rimuru wanted to know the reason.
Rimuru had searched through every trace and data found on him in over 20 billion dimensions.
There wasn't much reason to do what he did, but they were horrible things, entire dimensions had disappeared as well, Rimuru had guessed it had something to do with getting annoyed and then taking it out on a dimension.

For the first 10 years, Yuuki was quite calm, there was nearly nothing on him, he didn't destroy much and that which he did was perfectly covered up.
Rimuru could always find Yuuki's magic signature no matter how far away he was, Rimuru could even find Yuuki if he had left the endless void, her signature was stuck to his, the countless years he was stuck in the time accelerated seal had made sure to properly ingrain a magic seed in his reserves, he probably doesn't know about it or he doesn't care as the most it does is just reveal his location.

Over the years, Rimuru had grown in power by a lot, her previous power from the last fight between Yuuki's clone and her was a percentage of her real power and with every percentage it would multiply.
Over the last 19 years, her accelerated power growth had caused Rimuru's power to skyrocket, the her from 19 years ago couldn't even handle a single punch from her if she was using only 1 seal, she did have to deactivate the other 99 seals.
These seals were made because Rimuru grew to fast and thus couldn't adapt to her new power quick enough and make sure nothing was destroyed.

Yuuki was also growing in power a lot, witnessed by the insane amounts of destruction left behind wherever Yuuki passed.
Everytime Rimuru arrived at a place Yuuki had been, she saw the massive holes in the endless void, these holes were like gates that lead to outside of the endless void, Rimuru had seen the sight beyond, but she noticed that she couldn't sense anything beyond it and thus didn't want to take the risked of entering just like that.
Plus Yuuki's signature was still inside of the endless void, Rimuru had spoken to him many times over the years, everytime Rimuru wanted to fight him, his partner or himself just open a crack and teleport through them, these cracks would then be fixed before Rimuru could slip through them, and the one time she did manage to slip through, they had already slipped through another.

The last 9 years were in other words mental torture, Rimuru had found Yuuki time and time again and each time Yuuki would slip away in an instant.
Yuuki would always say "I'm not ready yet, another few years." Rimuru dispised him, but on the other hand noticed the worrying increase in his partners power, he wasn't strong, but his growth speed didn't fall short of her own, that was what was worrying her, the seals stopped her from using her power and her speed of growth was tremendous, but she had never unsealed her true power since she once shattered the entire endless void.
Yet her current growth speed was equal to his even with only one seal, it still wouldn't lose out.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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