Jealousy pt2

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Rimuru pov:

It's been a day since Milim left and that probably means Chloe has gotten the letter about now.
And that could explain that aura I've been feeling coming from west of here, but that shouldn't be since Milim hasn't cont-

"Rimuru, Chloe has left."
God damnit that aura is definitely hers then, I should quickly make my way there.

"Hey Shiraori, I gotta go now and calm down my student since it seems she's a little angry."

"See you soon, I'd like to meet her if possible."

"Yeah, I'll try. See you soon." I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and sped off towards Chloe before she causes mass destruction.
(4 seconds later)

I've arrived and it seems I'm right on time.

"Hey Chloe, how are yo-!?!"
That was close, a millisecond later and I would've had fight without my top and that's not something I want to do now that I'm a female.

"Don't hey me Sensei, it's been 15 years and all of a sudden you have a Girlfriend, you didn't even come to me and asked me to be your girlfriend.
Why have you not chosen me? Am I that bad as a girlfriend?"
Wow, that was kinda hot, no Rimuru you have a girlfriend and a way too angry student before you so let's focus.

"No, it wasn't that you were a bad choice, it was simply because I fell in love with Shiraori and since I hadn't seen you in so many years my feelings for you had already dissipated for the most part."

That pissed her off even more. I guess I'll calm her down before we continue with this.

"Chloe, release all your pent-up frustrations on me and fight!"
I shouted at her and it seems it worked, let's teleport us to my imaginary space, because normal dimensions ain't gonna hold.


<On it>
Now that that's covered, we can fight to our hearts intent.(Chloe has also reached 1-b, so this fight is not gonna be an 1-a vs 2-c.)

Let's start off with a little kick.
No pov:

As Rimuru launched her kick a foot print appeared on the planet behind Chloe and Chloe retaliated by swinging her sword down releasing an energy slash that splits the universe.(Rimuru's imaginary space is exactly like the real dimension except for the upper space).

Rimuru seeing this, launched a nuclear blast that impacted and erased several planets behind Chloe, both of them were warming up as they hadn't fought at full force for a little while.
Chloe picked up the pace and punched with her free hand, the punch was intercepted with another punch, this caused the nearby multiverses to shake and the most universes were destroyed.
At light speed another clash happened Wich shook the multiverse again and this time it erased all of them after passing through.
In the next nanosecond over a trillion clashes happened and the outerverse had started to collapse from the sheer power that these countless shockwaves carried.
After a few minutes they both seemed to stop and looked at eachother and before the last shockwave had settled down a massive explosion occured that signaled the destruction of the outerverse and the both of them weren't affected even the slightest bit.
Suddenly the space around them seemed to warp and everything reappeared as if it hadn't been destroyed to begin with, but this was considered normal in a duel like they're having.
Rimuru looked shocked, this was because Chloe just broke through 1-b and jumped into 1-a, it was something that normally didn't happen when fighting and it just happened.
The next moment a massive aura started to warp the space around them affecting even time while another showed up that was doing the exact same thing and because of this the time-space continuum was destroyed, while it seems like time had stopped that was not the case, it was that time itself had no existence anymore, time was now non-existent and so was everything around them.
Rimuru suddenly got a massive boost of power.

<Master, I unlocked the rest of your power, but be careful, this is nothing like what you've been handling till now. This power will bump you up and elevate you till transcendence, if I go any higher than even your imaginary space will no longer work as it's concept becomes non-existent.>

>Thanks Ciel<
That was the little conversation between them and all of a sudden everything went black and then it became white and black and white, it just kept switching until Rimuru said "Yin-Yang convergence, death of concept 'Existence'."
And the next moment both Rimuru and Chloe were nowhere to be found.

The both of them appeared inside of a place called 'the end' and it wasn't really what you'd expect from a place called the end, but the energy enshrouding the end was nothing to scoff at, because even Chloe who became a 1-a was having trouble keeping her soul and body together and while Rimuru looked unaffected, that was simply because a tiny layer of {Void God Azatoth} was surrounding her body Wich kept absorbing all the energy and in turn making her stronger.
The end was a place that was considered to be the final realm before you got to the border of the dimension, it was practically a death zone, since anybody that came here would have to face horrendous torture for days if not years on end and that was unbearable for some.
The dimension Rimuru and Shiraori were in was considered a lower-tiered dimension and above that would be mid-ranked dimension and so on and on, but that is something we will not get into for now, because the place beyond the thin walls of the dimensions is called 'the void' and it's not the same as in the void of space or the end of space and time, no, 'the void' has such strong energy that it would tear anything below tier 0 to shreds, not even immortals were capable of living here simply because it operated with the concept of 'negation'
It allowed it to negate anything with a concept even gods and outsiders.

Back in the end we see Chloe regaining her composure and starting to get a resistance towards the turbulent energy around and before you know it they clashed again and again, this time nothing happened simply because they were in a place that was void of anything.
While the fighting went on Chloe got tired, after 4 days of fighting inside of the end she got exhausted, she had to not only fight but also make sure her body and soul didn't collapse, meanwhile Rimuru was slowly absorbing her energy everytime they clashed, after 4 days she collapsed and Rimuru put her in her own bed on earth.
Rimuru then teleported into his imaginary space and said "Yin-Yang convergence, concept return."
This caused the space to go back to normal.
The end.
Hope you liked it.

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