Bad news

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After Rimuru finished restoring the surrounding mountain range, both Shiraori and Rimuru left towards the guild hall.

When they entered the guild hall, they immediately walked towards the counter and delivered their materials, their quest was stamped a success and the two were given permission to undertake a rank up, Rimuru to A-rank and Shiraori Ss-rank.

They both took the rank up quest and we're led to the backyard, there were currently already about 26 people waiting for the rank up quest.
The rank up was easier than the joining test, all you had to do was complete a certain amount of quest from certain ranks and beat or impress the instructor to go up a rank.
Rimuru didn't do many quest, but she was recommended by Shiraori an S-rank and completed an S-rank with her.
Shiraori on the other hand had done all the quest necessary and was allowed to rank up, this time there were 4 instructors, for rank B, A, S and Ss.
These instructors were there for perfect evaluation of the persons skills.

Shiraori and Rimuru were obviously later than the rest, but Shiraori was the only going for Ss-rank, so she was allowed immediately after entree.

Shiraori stepped forward and faced the Ss-rank instructor ( or frank, random name)
Frank stood there on guard and said
"Ready to go."
Shiraori immediately reacted and twirled the scythe around, she then threw her scythe and blitzed past frank and caught the scythe in a manner that pressed the sharp edge against Frank's throat. Frank shouted "Ss-rank passed." Applause sounded out from the stands and Shiraori went back into the guild in order to get her Ss-rank card.

Rimuru had to wait and sit through every S-rank and A-rank fights, but just as they were about to advance to B-rank, Rimuru was called down.

A-rank instructor (or Bert.)

Rimuru and Bert faced off as well, Rimuru didn't even take out her sword and just took a stance, Bert took a defensive stance and said "Ready, go."
Before Bert even had the time to react, Rimuru appeared in front of him and aimed her right hand at his eyes and her left hand at his solar plexus.
Bert was surprised, but wasn't yet convinced, so he launched and kicked towards Rimuru's open side and found his leg in her hold, she held the leg and pushed from under, sending Bert flipping into the wall. A voice then sounded from the rubble "A-rank pass."
Rimuru also went to the receptionist and got his A-rank card.
Rimuru immediately searched for Shiraori and found her hidden in a dark corner with a faraway look on her face.
"Hey Shiraori, I'm back and I've been promoted."
Came the voice of Rimuru, shocking Shiraori out of her trance and release a small smile, she stood up and hugged Rimuru and said "This place is too packed with people, either let's go home or do another quest."
Rimuru made sure noone was looking and teleported towards their home, Shiraori plopped on the couch and said "People are exhausting, I'm gonna need at least a 2 hour nap before I've recovered from that." Rimuru giggled at her antics, but couldn't help and agree.
At some point during her time as an emperor in Tempest, she learned that if she used her original appearance she would be worshipped and straight up revered on the streets, Rimuru didn't mind that, but it made it incredible difficult to make true friends, because everyone saw her as a god and who would become friends with their gods.
Even the demon lord's no longer saw her as a comrade and more as a superior.

After the time with Shiraori, she really enjoyed alone time with her, it wasn't stuffy, the atmosphere was comfortable and nobody bowed down in reverence upon the mere sight of her face.
She liked this, she did want to see how Tempest was doing, but left that matter in the back of her mind, she was currently with Shiraori alone and happily married, she wouldn't trade this for a dimension.

At dinner they turned on the TV and noticed the picture of the two Sss-rank adventurers they had killed before, the news was talking about the fact that these had come to visit and take up another quest, but suddenly disappeared and then came the worst part.

'After the two disappeared there was minor gap in time before their energy faded from our radars and machine, so we suspect that these two have been killed, the guild receptionist in charge of issuing their quest was told that they would spar real quick and return withing 2 hours, after 3 hours we noticed how they faded in time gaps, one died 2 hours before the other, so they suspect that these two were murdered.
Likely suspects are these 7 people.
There is a B-rank adventurers group with 5 people and Rimuru and Shiraori are also likely suspects as there quest was confirmed within their quest region and faded mere minutes before they arrived at the guild to hand in their quest, the B-rank group on the other hand reported of the massive damage done to their surroundings, but we have found no evidence proving the physical existence of this damage.
This case will be further investigated, but keep on your toes in the meantime and look out for these seven people, report immediately after sighting.'

Rimuru was gaping at the tv and Shiraori had a worried look on her face "They wouldn't believe we actually did it, right? After all, we're A-rank and Ss-rank, completely no match for two Sss-ranks."
Rimuru replied "Ranks aren't based on power really, it's more based on contributions and you're the prove of that, you've been clearing quests at an unprecedented time for your rank, prove is that you've managed to climb to Ss-rank so quickly."
Shiraori was sweating slightly, but Rimuru just casually smiled at this and said "Guess the plan will have to advance much quicker."
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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