Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (8)

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Rimuru pov:

After breakfast, I channeled aether into the necklace and the portal into the sanctuary appeared again, when I stepped through I could feel the Aether in the air.
I made my way to the iron door that when opened leads to a giant hallway with chimera skeletons adorning the pedestal against the wall, when I got into reach, the statues started shaking and broke down quickly, I just moved my hand in a horizontal wave and imbued mana into my hand, the mana wave destroyed all the chimeras which left an abundance of aether which I absorbed with the Aether stone.

When I opened the door at the end of the hallway, I was met with a cavern full of white trees with purple leafs and the sight of many monkeys slinging through the trees without a sound, I also ft a fruit give off more aether than anything in the surrounding environment, except for the lair of that millipede. I quickly used space magic to teleport the fruit towards me and stored it into the dimensional ring which i plan to give to Arthur to help him get stronger.
(Mana = Tbate, Aether = Tbate, Magic = Tensura type, these are used to show what world her abilities come from for clearance.)
After getting the fruit, the monster made a shriek which called over the millipede that I just so happened to be moving towards, after a few seconds I could feel the millipede make it's way here and I again lifted my hand above my head and brought it down slashing both the millipede and the remaining cavern in half, the leaking aether was stored inside of the Aether stone and the eggs were destroyed except for two and a mountain of equipment. I also found a man that just came through the door with his party and gaped at the sight of the split cavern which I started reverse in order to repair the damage.
I was on my way to the next stage when the party caught up to me and started greeting me, the man was wearing a teal colored cloak and wielding a white dagger that was shimmering from the connection to my aether core.
I just turned around and kept walking, the party realizing that I wanted no business with them just left me alone.

Walking through the door into the next stage I was confronted with a wide plain, a forest and patches of bare dirt, the ground had massive holes in them, probably from the mana beasts hiding out within these holes, sensing the aether in the ground I dug down with mana until I encountered a little cave littered with these aether crystals.
When I finished harvesting all the aether and stored it into the aether stone, I made my way to the next door which led me to an island in the middle of a wide sea, when I scanned the water I felt beasts in there with enough power to rival even light-silver core mages specializing in two elements.
After I used mana and manipulated the water to increase in density, the mana beasts inside got squashed to death.
Taking the boat onto the next island I found the gate which led to the next stage where I floating platforms in an array of colors.
One being red, than orange, followed by blue and then black, eventually there is white which seemed to be the most safe platform.
On the first I found that my aether reserves were emptying at an alarming rate, but I just walked to the end and felt the pull stop, after walking up the disappearing steps I found myself on the orange platform where an invisible creature attacked me, but I just kicked it in the chest and cratered the ground beneath us killing the beast, the blue platform was a puzzle but I just sensed the aether and mana flow following the route onto the black platform, but the monster on it was too scared and I just chopped it and it turned into dust.
When I made it up the countless platforms below me, I walked through into another cave, but this time there was and old ruin which stood on top of the floating island, inside the ruin I found books on the ancient civilization and their doom, how it was all Kezess his doing because of paranoia and curiosity on their control of aether. The ancient civilization definitely controlled it extraordinarily, but It was lacking, their understanding of Aether was laughable, comparing it to my understanding of it, would be like comparing a master artist with a baby, I controlled aether like it was breathing and even then it wasn't controlling and merely letting my thoughts influence the aether around us into what I wanted. The fate branch was definitely strong, but it was unfortunately only limited to this universe.
When I got to the center of the island I found a portal which took me to the convergence zone, I found several groups fighting a group of what looked like ghouls with big heads and a red sun which stood upon a pillar.
After moving onto the battle ground, I imbued my hand with mana and sped off towards these ghouls.
When I stopped for a second and released my focus, I noticed the sky turn blue again with the red sun nowhere to be found.
The people in the zone started walking towards us as well as the party from earlier, the leader thanked me for saving their teammate and and gave me a golden medaillon with the denoir house emblem on it.
Since I no longer wanted to be in this zone I started rushing towards the pillar, guarding the pillar was a massive beast easily 9 stories high with a bat-like head, the tail of a snake and the body of a dragon without wings with 6 legs.
I moved towards it and took out one of the knives I took out of the drawers in the royal manor of the elves, I swiped the knife from left to right leaving the giant beast cut up into a hundred pieces.
I walked up the tower and destroyed the red sun, a portal appeared and sucked me in. I found myself in a laboratory with nothing useful in it, when I used aether to scan for anything that has an abundant amount of aether, the room started falling apart and a cavern with another pedestal appeared, in the middle pedestal was an Aether crystal and on the right pedestal was a stone, this stone emitted a lot of aether which started to move around the room, I quickly caught it and extinguished the aether.
The being talked to me in my head and left my with a dimensional storage rune and a black cuboid with an auvum branch ability, this is also gonna be useful for Arthur.
Walking through the last portal I ended up in my room again which was still connected to the sanctuary and closed the portal.
The necklace was destroyed in a burst of flames.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed and sorry for spoilers.

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