Mystery partner revealed

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After the staring contest, Rimuru bolted through the ceiling and walls and directly arrived at the control room, Yuuki didn't run this time and just sat on his chair, the man besides him gave off a familiar aura, Rimuru had sensed it once and didn't pay any mind to it, but now it was straight in front of her, how could she not mind, so she looked at the back of his chair, the man slowly turned around.
His hair was black and his eyes were dark like the void, his aura was malicious and familiar.
Rimuru asked "A true dragon, huh? I didn't expect another one to exist, guess it was your genetic material that was used for the tests down there?"
The man spoke up and a gruff voice sounded out "Indeed miss Tempest, that was my genetic material, but we've met before though, a shame you don't remember." Rimuru nodded her head and said "I do remember, it was in that void, your name, it was Ivaraj right?" The man stood up and leered at her "Correct, that would be me."

The two stared at eachother and the tension increased a hundred fold, they however had no trouble whatsoever with this pressure.
Yuuki was still sitting down while looking at the two of them, Ivaraj then turned his head towards Yuuki and asked "If I beat her, am I allowed to have her for myself?" Yuuki was shocked and Rimuru's rage was blasting out form her, restrained yet still powerful, it directly warped the endless void and the energy in the environment started to vaporise.
Yuuki then said "Sure, but it's not gonna happen, she's stronger than you, feel the air, you'll know what I mean." Yuuki then turned around and used the ship to move towards the outer realms.
Rimuru realised this and held back a little longer, there was no way that the outer realms could be destroyed by a mere fifth between Rimuru and Ivaraj.

Rimuru held it in and she then felt the massive pull, the next moment they were in the void of the outer realms, before they could even begin, a loud voice said "Go deeper, if you fight here and destroy the lower realms, then I'm personally erasing you."
Yuuki nodded his head and looked at the other two, Rimuru looked a little surprised at the voice, but recognized it and agreed, Ivaraj on the other hand was sweating buckets "How are you still alive, you were supposed to be dead?"
The mysterious voice didn't reply and instead a barrier appeared around the ship and was send into the outer regions of the outer realms.

Yuuki didn't care much for the ship, it's sole purpose was to experiment in order to create a weird creature that could become storng enough to destroy Rimuru.
Now that Rimuru had destroyed it all, he no longer cared and used his first move, pressing a small green button, Yuuki was evicted into the void with his seat and the giant ship blew up, a massive explosion went off, it didn't even damage the barriers around Rimuru and Ivaraj.

Shiraori felt the presence of Rimuru truly disappear and went to where she last sensed her, she felt the energy fluctuation and used her power to rip a hole open and enter the outer realms, she was looking around for the signal, a mysterious voice than said "Be sure not to destroy the lower realms, I'll send you to them now." The barrier form earlier encompassed her being and send her straight towards Rimuru.
She saw Rimuru stand off against a buffed man that looked at Rimuru with lust filled eyes, Shiro recognized those eyes and instantly crossed the distance and punched Ivaraj in the face, she then used thought transmission to tell Rimuru "I'll take care of this bastard, you fight the other one."
Rimuru nodded in confirmation, she then disappeared and appeared above Yuuki, Yuuki didn't even move out of his seat and just held out his pinky, Rimuru's fist connected with the finger and stopped on the spot.

Back with Shiro and Ivaraj, Ivaraj had been caught off guard and looked at the newcomer, he then said "It's a bummer, if you were a true dragon then I could also have children with you, but since you're not, then it's better I just kill you." Ivaraj didn't even twitch and was already in front of Shiro, Shiro casually stepped aside the punch and delivered a brutal fist to his guts, Ivaraj took it and didn't show even the slightest hint of pain, Shiro was puzzled, this bunch wasn't a light one, but she still had a few seals so that was normal enough.
Ivaraj was bout to laugh at her when he felt the sudden increase in power and received a fist to his jaw, his jaw itched a bit and he was launched back a couple kilometres.
Shiro appeared behind him in and instant and grabbed his head, she then squeezed and with a popped his neck had broken, Ivaraj didn't care and snapped his neck back in place, he tried to grab Shiro but his hand disappeared leaving bones visible to the naked eyes, it grew back the next second and he launched a punch again. Shiro was stupified at the fact that all he knew was a punch, she used space magic and created a space for her to teleport his hand through, the was just in time and Ivaraj's fist landing on the back of his head, Shiro dispelled the portal and Ivaraj's hand was floating behind him, Ivaraj had enough of being toyed with and unleashed hsi power, the surrounding void was shaking and trembling. Shiro unleashed another seal, she only had two more left, but she doubted she needed to use her full power for him.

Ivaraj appeared behind Shiro and quickly went back to his former position, Shiro who had turned around had lowered herself in time for a fist to pass above her head, she smirked and asked "You didn't actually think that would hit me, right?"
The end.
Hoe you enjoyed.

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