The queen of spiders, the festival

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After the introduction was over, Aya quickly tapped the ground making a giant house appear out of nowhere. The house was 12 meters heigh and and 3 stories, a living room, a basement, an attic, bathrooms and bedrooms.
The house was primarily made out of wood with the occasional supporting stones.

When they entered the house they were met by a wide living room that looked ordinary except for the furniture designed for arachne instead of humans. The two didn't have any problems adjusting to the different style of furniture.
Rimuru asked "Why did you sleep outside if you could have just done it in here?"
Aya responded "That's because I'm more comfortable outside, I only use this house when I have guests or I have to."

Aya went into the modern kitchen that stood out from the rest of this house and prepared some tea.
"What type of tea would you like?" Asked Aya.
Rimuru said "Water would be fine for me."
Shiraori continued "I would like some mint tea, please."

After 3 minutes, Aya came out of the kitchen with a mug of water and one of mint tea.
"Here you go." Aya said while putting down the mugs.
Rimuru picked up her mug and slowly took a sip to see if it was poisoned or not, seeing that it was not she put it down again and gave a nod to Shiraori to say that it's safe.
Shiraori followed Rimuru's actions and took a small sip before putting it down.

Aya had enough of waiting and asked "Can i ask why two have come here?"
Rimuru didn't respond, but Shiraori smiled gently and said "I felt a familiar feeling from this cave and came here to check it out and then I found you."
Aya was happy with the response but felt that something was missing so she asked "Is there maybe another reason that you've come here?".
Shiraori once again answered "Yes, the first is as I said before, but now that I've confirmed my suspicions, I'm here to warn you, in about 2-3 weeks we'll be destroying this place and I've come to warn you so you can safely leave this place and search for another planet to live on."
Aya was shocked, but not for long as shr asked "Are you sure you can destroy this place, because from what I've seen and felt, you two are no match for the stronger creatures residing in this galactic empire."
"You don't have to worry about that." Said Rimuru with a small smile that showed a hint of arrogance mixed with absolute confidence.
Aya looked at her and just nodded her head.

After 2 hours of conversing with eachother, the queen of spiders, Aya, was getting tired and Rimuru was getting bored, so they decided that it would be enough and that would be meet again that they would catch up.
They said their goodbyes and Rimuru and Shiraori immediately left the cave, they then put up a barrier so no one else can find this cave.

2 days later, Shiraori had done a lot of quests to satiate her boredom, every quest was cleared in nearly an instant, she even got promoted to S-rank.
One of her previous quests was killing a dragon and a strong one at that, the most exciting quest she had since she was back at the kumo desu ga planet, yet she finished it within 20 minutes. (It's also the reason why I'm not explaining the quests, since she just insta-kills nearly everything even with her limiter.)

Meanwhile Rimuru was hacking into various sources trying to find something that they could use as an actual reason for destroying the galactic empire, since the empire has been targeting them for 10000 years and that's apparently not a good enough reason to destroy the galactic empire.
Rimuru indeed found something, but it wasn't enough to dethrone the current leaders, and it also wouldn't solve the root of the cause, by example the higher-ups from the government itself.

In the evening we see two beautiful ladies walking down a very busy street packed with people to the brim of it's capabilities, the reason for this is the festival currently going on, this festival is called the heroes return festival, mostly because one of the dragons came back with the head of both Rimuru and Shiraori nearly 9000 years ago, this hero was honored by the people as the saviour that avenged their dead idols. Of course it was fake, but nobody ever figured it out, because one, the higher ups had no idea about the exact features of the two 'devils', and second, the hero was actually one of the adversaries that both Shiraori and Rimuru let go with a copy of their heads and then making him believe that he actually killed both of them.

These two ladies were as guessed Shiraori and Rimuru.
Rimuru's hair was swept to the right and ended with a braid, she was wearing a light-blue sleeveless glimmering dress and black heals.
Shiraori's hair was as usual, but she was also wearing a beautiful dress, it was red with pink details and forearm sleeves, she was wearing causal white shoes that didn't fit at all with her attire, Rimuru tried to convince her, but Shiraori just didn't wanna do, with the excuse, "I don't like how they feel and they're uncomfortable."
Rimuru didn't mind all to much as this was a date night for just the two of them anyway.

The first stall they went to was a shooting stall and Shiraori really wanted to get the little book that was promised as a prize for hitting 12/12 shots.
Rimuru payed and Shiraori used her magic to alter the directions of the bullets to make each one hit their target. When she was gifted the book she gave a small smile that warmed the heart of everyone that was watching.

The second stall was one where you had to catch the fish with a little net and put as many in the bucket as possible, Rimuru wanted to give it a try as it was mentioned in many manga to be the one thing to sparkle a little spice on the date.(Ofcourse that isn't true)
Rimuru picked up the net and caught two fish on her first try, immediately catching a third and then a fourth.
Withing 2 minutes she emptied the entire pool and her net still hadn't broken, so she was given the biggest prize which was a giant slime plushie.
Shiraori immediately took the slime out of Rimuru's hands and hugged it tightly not letting it go at all.

The third stall was a dango stall that sold for 10 credits for every stick of dango.
Rimuru paid for 4 sticks each of a different flavor, every stick had 3 dangos.

As they progressed through the many stalls there weren't many that could catch their attention and most that did weren't that fun once they started.

During the final parts of the streets was a punching machine that had a group of people in front of it.
Shiraori walked up to Rimuru and said "Let's try it, the one with the lowest score wins."
They both walked up to it and asked "Can we use it please?" The people hurried to the side and wanted to watch. Shiraori placed a credit into the machine and a punching ball came out, Shiraori put as little strength in it as possible and got a score of 513.
Rimuru went next and held back as much as possible as well, but the moment her first so much as grazed it, the ball was sent into the machine and the number 999 blinked rapidly.
The onlookers weren't surprised as this was meant to show how good people were at holding back, even the average person could destroy this machine after all.
Rimuru gave Shiraori the credit card and said "You can do what you want.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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