Disguise, dimensional rift

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Shiraori looked at Rimuru with a questioning gaze and Rimuru just explained her plan for the galactic empire, Shiraori was shocked, but seeing how much of a pain they were thousands of years ago, she didn't have any problems.
Rimuru also explained that the galactic empire was expanding by absorbing outside planets and was turning those other zones into pure void, Shiraori cared for life and the galactic empire was ruining the life of a couple trillion in exchange for a hundred million. She obviously didn't like it and decided to partake in this plan.
Shiraori had a major role and to accomplish that, she had to change identities, Rimuru came up with them and they also changed their appearance.

Rimuru's long blue hair became short black hair and her golden eyes became red eyes.
Her body also changed and became more manly though still that of a woman.
Shiraori's white hair turned brown and her red eyes became black, her body also became slightly smaller.
The clothes they wore had also completely changed to adapt to the people around them.
Rimuru was wearing a brown t-shirt and a pair of jeans, while Shiraori was wearing a white dress with shorts beneath them.

The both of them immediately left the building and Rimuru did some quick hacking to change all of Rimuru's and Shiraori's records to another name.
(Rimuru = Velda, Shiraori = Sariel.)
Their credits were also quickly disguised and transferred and even their guild rankings were transferred.

Soon they found a huge forest and a small clearing, this clearing was turned into a wooden house with a garden and backyard.
The inside was pretty comfortable, but just not the same as their house on kumo planet.

Their appliances were also moved into this place and the food and drinks were also all okay.

5 days later, Rimuru had kept Shiraori in the house and was slowly preparing for everything.
The government was losing their power and falling apart.
The adventurers were in an upstage and were complaining about the complete lack of care death of one of their own. The guild was filing complaints, some banks were being hacked and emptied while the money was transferred to a government computer, under public knowledge.
The people also found out about this and an unknown person had admitted to being payed to hack into the banks and emptying their pockets into the government, this person was of course Rimuru under a male transformation to fool people.
The government was slowly falling apart and had already been in the red.

Over the course of the past few days, nearly all 207 Z-rank experts were all found and were brought back in order to assist the government, but 185 declined and instead attacked the government, this was another major loss of power for the government and it became so bad, that the citizens were all bombarding the government building with attacks and rotten food.

The higher ups from the government that were still alive were hiding in a deep underground facility with a massive weapon, created with the intention of sucking the life out of the planet and blowing up with everyone still on it.
The forcefields were switched from keeping everyone out, to keeping everyone in.

Rimuru had planned far ahead and found secret records of a higher rank than Z-rank, but they were secret weapons hidden by the government for a case like this, these people would be tricked and would be forced to put on a slave choker, normally this wouldn't work, but when the other party signs a contract, the contract prevents them from taking it off as it is their own order.
All these experts were on the same level as the weaklings from 9000 years ago.

Shiraori was bored out of her mind, but the tv still had some interesting things on it, just not enough for Shiraori to enjoy herself full-time.

Rimuru wanted to improve her mood, so she gave her a special bracelet. (Will be mentioned later)

Currently the empire was in a dangerous situation where it was forced to interact with the other zone's their government, these people were also no good and Rimuru's plan was ont he bronk of finishing, the final pieces were slowly coming together.

The only problem would be the surrounding space would be heavily damaged on a permanent scale if they went all out. They needed to go into the dimensional crack to prevent major damage to the dimensions themselves and to do that Rimuru had to open a rift large enough to let an entire galaxy pass through it.

3 days later and Rimuru finally finished the dimensional rift, the energy oozing out of this rift is enough to destroy the galactic empire, but the people were still on it and Rimuru didn't want the truly innocent to also end up dying, so she placed a protection barrier around the empire, now it would only be collecting all the stragglers and innocent people and transport them to different planets.

This process would likely take half a week, but considering her normal plans, she had enough time.

First, Rimuru deiced to free the dimensional creature under the building and get it to call over it's friends. This creature growled into the crack and within 2 hours, thousands of these creature s exited the crack and started flying circles around the empire.

The galactic empire had no idea about the massive threat that was to befall them any minute.
Rimuru though didn't continue with his true plans, until 5 days later and any innocent people had been moved away.

Shiraori didn't really like war, she's been in one and doesn't want to really participate in another, so she requested anotehr solution for her and she got the job of bringing the empire into the crack.
All she needed to do was enhance the barrier and use telekinesis to push the empire into the crack, they don't know what's coming for them.

At the end of the 2 weeks, Rimuru hacked into the galactic empire's internet and broadcast himself to the entire empire.
Everyone's phone, tv, every computer and even the street tvs were all taking over and were shown a dark figure surrounded in a dark cloud.

This figure suddenly announced

'Hello everyone, it's a nice day to tell everyone the truth.
The one who found out and publicized the information about the government was me, the one who framed the government for emptying the banks was me and even the death of major adventurers was because of me.
Yes, everything was because of me and it has always been because of me, the older generation from 10000 years ago would certainly recognize my appearance.'

The dark figure walked out the shadows and showed everyone platinum-blue hair and mask with a red dot.

'Now, it's the beginning of the end.
Open fire!!!"

The barrier was opened in many places and the sky was quickly filled with many creatures that looked like they came out of a horror movie.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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