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In the morning Rimuru woke up and looked at the sleeping Shiraori besides her.
She like the way her hair would fall over the side of her face and the peaceful look of pure Bliss.
Rimuru had stood up, put on her clothes and bent down to give Shiro a little kiss on the lips, she then went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, Ariel smelled it and ran out of her bedroom into the kitchen, Rimuru noticed her presence and said "Good morning Ariel, you seem to be in a good mood." Ariel nodded with a gentle smile and said "Naturally, after so many years of worries and problems, everything is finally back to normal, there is no one targeting us, there aren't any gods that make a mess that can tbe fixed and there aren't any monsters that hate humans. Life is perfect at the moment, if only I didn't have to do my paperwork, it's a good thing it's only a small amount."
Rimuru nodded and just sat down at the table while putting the food on it.

Ariel was digging into the food at a speed that would put Naruto eating Ramen to shame.
Rimuru just watched in slight humor at Ariel.
Shiraori walked out of the bedroom with messy pajamas and sat down at the table.
She had taken a plate and started eating.

Rimuru smiled to herself and wished this could go on forever, for many, an uneventful life like this would be boring, but for Shiro and Rimuru, this was paradise, they could relax all day long, do what they want and if they get bored, they can visit other planets and adapt their seals so that they could have some fun.
Rimuru found it to be the best time of her immortal life up till now.
She likes Tempest, don't get her wrong, but times likes these where she could sit back and hand out with her loved ones were the best.

Shior noticed the look in Rimuru's eyes and smiled, she had finished eating very quickly and kissed Rimuru on the lips before saying "I also love this time."
Rimuru smiled happily and cleaned the table, Ariel wasn't happy, she want finished eating yet Rimuru was already clearing the table, so she blocked off the food with her arms and chubby cheeks and said "I'm still hungry." Rimuru enjoyed these times as well, Ariel was like a child, a child in personality most of the time, otherwise she was at work or was having 'fun'.

Rimuru sat down on the couch and relaxed into it, she took out the remote and turned on the tv, the current channel was a series which Ariel liked, Rimuru recorded it and stored it for later, she had also save a couple episodes for Shiro and herself.

Rimuru wanted to relax today, it was a good day, yesterday she made Shiro pregnant and today it's peace day.

Suddenly Rimuru remembered something and asked ,
>Ciel, how many years is it gonna take for Shiro to give birth to out baby?<

<Estimated time : 2 years, 7 months, 1 week and 5 days.>

Rimuru sighed and said, a couple years isn't that long, let's enjoy it before the baby grows too much, let's celebrate by going to the pool, an actual massive water park.

Rimuru went up to Ariel and asked "Are you free today?" Ariel who was still eating the rest of the food in the fridge looked at Rimuru and said "I'm free today, why?" Rimuru smiled and said "Pack up, were going to a massive water park."
Ariel's eyes brightened up and hugged Rimuru.

Rimuru then did the same with Chloe, she went up to Chloe's house and asked "Are you free today?"
Chloe was happy that Rimuru asked for her and just said "I'm free, there's nothing in my plans."
"Perfect, pack your things, were going to a massive water park." Chloe was happy that her sensei asked her to go with them and agreed, before Rimuru could leave, Chloe asked "Can Toki come to?"
Rimuru turned to Chlie and gave a dazzling smile "Sure, he can come." Chloe was really struggling with her massive love and just fangirled.

Rimuru had come back inside and saw Shiro sitting on the couch watching her show, Rimuru asked "So you want to go swimming today?" Shiro paused the tv and said "Sure, I'm up for it, where we going?"
Rimuru put a finger over he mouth and said "That's a surprise."

Shiro packed her clothes and then continued watching her show.
Rimuru was currently planning the day and making sure everything would go fine.

Half an hour later, Shiro was waiting on a kitchen chair and Ariel was laying on the couch.
Chloe had also come into with Toki and also sat down at the table.
It was then Rimuru appeared in the room and said "Let's go."

A magic circle appeared beneath them and pulled them all the way to Tempest.
They appeared I front of a massive water park and Ariel asked "Where are we?" Toki shared the sentiment, but Chloe and Shiro knew where they were, so they asked "Last time I was here I didn't see such a big water park." .
Chloe was happy being back in Tempest and Shiro thought it would be the perfect opportunity to scout the city when they were finished.
Ariel and Toki were still confused, Rimuru then explained to them that this is Tempest and that she was the ruler of Tempest until she left it to the patrons.

They walked up to the receptionist and Rimuru held out 5 tickets, the receptionist clipped them and said "You're good to go, have a nice day."
Rimuru smiled and led the group inside, the first building they encountered was the changing rooms, one for females and one for males.
Toki had obviously gone into the male ones.
His appearance was a bit off, he was muscled and bulky, but his pretty face and long black hair countered the look.

Rimuru and the others immediately pulled all the attention after entering the changing rooms.
Many females hadn't seen such a beautiful person since Rimuru and perhaps adult Ramiris.

After changing into their swimming gear, Ariel was wearing a frilled one-piece (not the anime)
This covered up her still-devoping bust, Rimuru was still completely covered up and Shiraori was wearing a white biking that covered her entire chest and lower areas.
Chloe on the other hand was wearing a black frilly bikini and had her hair tied up into a ponytail.
Toki had also joined and was wearing a black swim shorts.

The nearby males regarded him with malice at seeing him surrounded by all these beauties, but when they heard him call them his moms and aunts their glares had dissipated quite quickly.
Rimuru found it hilarious, but held it in.

After enjoying themselves at the water park, they left and walked around, Toki wasn't someone who like calm atmospheres like this and had already left, Ariel was excitedly walking around, Shiro was absorbing the sights, Chloe was feeling nostalgic and Rimuru was happy.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed it.

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now