Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (7)

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Rimuru pov:

I'm sitting at the long table at the opposite side of the king.
After I revealed our core stages they just sat there.
Alduin then spoke "What are you planning on doing now Miss Rimuru?"
"I'm going to strengthen myself even more while training Arthur, for that I do need to ask if you have any access to some dungeons that I could use."
"We sure do have some dungeons, but why would you need to strengthen yourself and who's going to watch over Arthur while you're not here?" Virion asked this time.
"The reason for strengthening myself is for Arthur's sake as well as my promise to her, and I assumed you would be interested in training the boy and helping with his beast will elder Virion."
They started and asked "The boy has a beast will?"
"Yeah, but I can't tell you from what though, you will find out yourself when he awakens his first stage."
Virion answers "Good, I will test him and if he's worthy then I'll teach him, though I do have to mention that we only have up to A-class dungeons."
"That will be no problem. I will also be asking if I could be allowed to enter and possibly clear those dungeons if possible after visiting the diviner."
They again looked at me in shock.
"How do you know about the diviner?" Virion asked warily. "How could I not feel the Aether used to spy on this conversation, and tell that elf in the corner to stay on her toes in case someone else managed to find a way around her illusions."
The elf in the corner went wide eyed as she looked at me in wonder.
I stood up and walked towards the corner before dispelling the illusion and moving my glowing hand to her throat, everyone got into an offensive stance as the glow on my hand receded.
"What did you do?" The black haired elf asked before she realized she didn't use sound magic to talk, the royal family had gotten surprised enough today so I asked "Since everyone seems kinda tired and you're also gonna need a little to process today's events, let's get some rest in okay?" The royal family ordered a maid to show me my room, as we arrived at the final hallway I could see the walls coated in a light color resembling lime, I wondered why it was this hideous color but just kept my mouth and entered the final room.
The room had mahogony doors and 3 windows facing towards the forest at the east, the king sized bed was covered in a white pullover and blanket with 5 pillows all in a grey pullover, to my left was a desk and a closet, next to the closet was another door leading to the bathroom.
I pulled all mu belongings out of my storage dimension and placed them in their fitted space, I slowly walked into the bathroom while stripping myself and getting into the shower.
After the shower I covered myself in a towel and coated my body in a heat coating allowing me to dry completely, I then changed into a cyan blue pajama and went to bed, although I don't need to sleep the feeling is comforting.

After 4 hours of sleep it was dark now and dinner was about to be served so I changed myself and went towards the dining hall, the maid I encountered while I was lost had led me to the dining room where we all sat and talked.
Arthur and Tessia seem to hit it off extremely well, I could even see the shell of king Grey slowly opening and revealing Arthur the growing boy.
For the first time in a month I felt truly comfortable, the talking then continued until the chefs entered the room with a metal table with several plates on it. The drinks were brought separately in a cooling box in order to keep them cold.
The bowls of vegetable soup was placed down on the table along with the fitting spoons as we all dug in and enjoyed it, after another few minutes the original plates were put on table and had a mountain of vegetables piled up with some potatoes and a little slab of meat on it, since Arthur wasn't the biggest vegetable fan, he had started feeding Tess everything he did not like and Tess was none the wiser being just happy that Arthur was feeding her, her parents looked at them and giggled a bit while Virion was smiling while muttering something about tar and cactus, but I simply ignored the commotion and finished my plate as for desert was Tiramisu, Im not really a big fan of Tiramisu so I just split it into five and gave everyone a piece, Merial asked "Are you sure we can have it?" "Yeah, not a big fan of Tiramisu."
As dinner had ended the moon was already up in the sky illuminating the entire forest and coating it in a bright blanket of light.
When night fell I was no longer planning to sleep and instead focused on getting the second Aether layer to perfectly assimilate with the mana core, after that was done the moon was still high in the sky, but also showed Arthur walking with Tessia through the garden until a toy knife flew at him at a speed almost invisible to the eye for humans, Arthur quickly caught it and rushed at Virion before stopping the knife in front of Virion.
The rest of the night was simply spent on creating more and more layers of Aether and assimilating with them, I managed to get my fourth layer stable while the fifth was still busy assimilating for the next hours, but since it's breakfast I should change out of my training clothes and into my formal wear.
After breakfast we made our way towards elder Rinia's place and when the carriage stopped we saw a wooden shack in the middle of nowhere, Tessia was still sleeping with her head on Arthur's shoulder and Arthur had his head leaning on her head. Virion smiled at this sight before shaking them a little and guiding them towards the shack, Tessia ran up to elder Rinia and pulled her into a hug, Rinia had reciprocated the hug and looked towards me and Arthur with a curious gaze.

In the shack we got to the point and asked about Arthur seeing his parents and was allowed to send them a message with the crystal ball.
Quickly Rinia had taken on a serious face as she looked at me and asked "What are you? No human should ever be capable of influencing Aether like you do." I smiled at her and changed into a little cyan dragon the size of a cat before nudging my head towards the door, everyone had a surprised look on their faces but still followed my outside, when we finally got to a clearing I started growing, after seconds I was the size of a lion then an elephant and at full size I was about 45 meters high And 8 meters wide, they again looked surprised at mu full form, but Rinia nodded in understanding and just asked me to go into my human form again.
When we got back to the shack she said two things "Rimuru, make sure the Asuras don't come after you.
Arthur, that is your name, nothing else."
I was kinda surprised myself because she knew of his reincarnation but I didn't show it Arthur was different though his face was full of surprise.
After the visit to elder Rinia I went towards the office of Alduin and knocked on the door three times, after opening the door I saw a room with a brown color mixture and decorated with several closets full of materials.
I asked him for the dungeon he had promised and got a B-rank bee nest dungeon.

As I made my way towards the dungeon, I felt the black haired elf follow me from the shadows before leaving to who knows where, when I arrived at the dungeon entrance it seemed kinda boring.
When walking through the dungeon there wasn't even a single bee that approached be and those that did instantly exploded, when I arrived at the bottom floor there was a cavern with nothing in it, just a single necklace laying on top of an altar in the middle of the cavern, I walked up to the necklace, picked it up and started examining this necklace, I found several runes along the back of the necklace and channeled mana into it, getting no reaction I started to pour in a little bit of Aether as well, suddenly the necklace glows an amethyst color before opening a portal into what looks like a sanctuary.

When I returned after the completion of the quest, I cashed it all in and got about 25 gold coins which is still pretty good for the shitty cores I gave the nobles. The good one were all in my hands and given towards Tess as a present for their future engagement.
When I got back into my room I started forming a core outside of my body and this core was simply meant to store Aether, I also made one for mana, but what these cores do is store any and all mana and Aether I pour into it, seeing that my Aether can't be used to form an Aether layer for Arthur, I had to find another way to give him and possibly Tess an Aether layer.
The end, hope you enjoyed.
Next chapter will be first trip in the relictombs.

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