The next step(2)

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immediately after saying goodbye to the dimensional creature, Rimuru left and skyrocketed towards the direction the creature flicked its heads towards.

After 5 minutes of flying Rimuru found an abandoned warehouse and entered it.
The warehouse was massive and looked shabby, it even had holes all over the walls and ceiling.
The floor was covered in dust and looked like it had been abandoned for 50 years, but the gate was firmly in place and the floor revealed fresh scratch marks, Rimuru saw these and immediately activated all the stealth skills she learned.

Rimuru opened the gate and closed it as silently as possible and even used a sound barrier to dampen the noise.
After entering Rimuru used magic sense to scout for any source of magic or energy and didn't find anything out of place.
She then used her finger and dragged it across a nearby container and heard a thud when her finger touched it, on guard, Rimuru used her nail and sliced open the container revealing a heavy towel, the towel was like 2 tons heavy and was still as soft as a normal tower, Rimuru was suspicious and searched it for any seals, she quickly found a few weight seals and hung it on the wall.
A small clicking noise was heard from the floor and revealed a secret compartment, in this compartment was a small box.
Rimuru broke the small box and revealed a small golden key that was covered in a small cloth, she quickly looked around for anything that the key would fit in, but didn't find anything.

Rimuru used her magic eyes and scanned the entire warehouse, she didn't notice anything and thus pushed her magic outwards and felt it a little longer at a certain place, she quickly went there and found the keyhole, after inserting the key, the cracked open revealed a staircase, she went down the staircase and saw a massive room filled with thousand of databanks, searching through the files, Rimuru quickly found all the evidence she needed to turn the public against the government and so that's exactly what she did.
She inserted a USB stick into every databank and after 5 minutes she copied all the data onto the stick and inserted it into her own computer, she quickly opened the internet and posted all the information she found.

She then quickly left the warehouse and disappeared without a trace, the government took precautions and managed to seal all the information before it could truly leak out to the public, but many had copied the files and spread it all over the internet to make sure the government couldn't hide it, many of the people that weren't convinced went searching for anything that could be taken into account to use against the government.

The government was in a panic searching for who leaked it, but being too quick and having erased the original post and data, they could no longer trace it back to the culprit and instead traced all the other post and wanted to act their anger out on them, but they realized it would be fatal as it would prove to the public that all of it was real, so the first plan was to neutralize it by mentioning it on the news as fake news and that it's just down by people that have a grudge against the government for whatever reason that had.

Naturally there were many sources of information that proved it was not the case, the news wasn't able to convince the masses at all.
Most of the people that weren't convinced were now convinced that it was real, otherwise the government wouldn't act so quickly after the news was posted to the public.

Rimuru had already arrived home and noticed Shiraori sitting in the couch and staring at Rimuru with a blank gaze and said "Did you seriously have to do it already, we still have two weeks before we destroy this place."
Rimuru nodded and said "If the people lose their trust now, we'll have more helpers in two weeks, it'll make things easier for us and we can have some extra entertainment for now."
Shiraori understood what Rimuru meant and looked back at the tv.
Rimuru being bored and having nothing else to do went to the kitchen and started preparing food for the both of them.

For tonight Rimuru prepared pizza, Self-made pizza, everything from the dough to the sauce was self-made. Rimuru didn't want to waste touch effort And just made two margaritas.
Shiraori also didn't care about that and just accepted the margarita.

After 2 hours and having finished eating the two just enjoyed the evening while huddling together, Shiraori was very comfortable and thus fell asleep in Rimuru's arms, Rimuru didn't mind and closed her eyes as well.

The next morning both of them woke up and seeing how late it was they both skipped breakfast, Rimuru accompany Shiraori today and see what she does everyday. Shiraori also didn't mind as it would mean spending time with her husband, she was incredibly happy and even expressed it by hugging Rimuru's arm and draggin her along to the guild, Rimuru who was taken off guard by Shiraori's soft squishy attack snapped back to reality.
Rimuru stiffened up really quickly and looked to her right, she noticed two people that off an aura surpassing the small-fries that the government sent after them 10000 years ago.
Shiraori also noticed them and decided to ignore them.

Shiraori hurried to the desk and grabbed an S-rank quest along the way, this quest was to slay a group of A-rank fire lizards, these lizards live in volcanoes and only go out for food, this time the mountain was barren and so they migrated to a nearby volcano, this quest was to scout and exterminate them all.

As the two walked out of the guild with the approved quest, they ran straight towards the nearby mountains.
They spotted a small group of fire lizards and Shiraori  instantly killed them all with a magic blast.
They moved further up the mountain and the higher they go the stronger the lizards, Rimuru even had to take action.
Soon the volcano was completely emptied of the fire lizards and before they could return, a voice came from behind them.

"What do we have here?"
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

Tensura x Kumo desu ga, nani ka. Crossover.{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now