Book (Arifureta)

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Spoilers ahead.

Rimuru pov:

The line 'thoughts manifest into vision' seemed pretty clear to me, so I did.
I imagined Myself and a some information appeared on the blank paper.

Rimuru Tempest
Supreme Deity
Master of weapons
Ruler of a dimension
Rimuru Tempest
Boundless entity
Ruler of all
The information that appeared shocked me a little bit, it seems that this book can reveal personal information and the future as well.
Though I don't know how effective it is, I don't even know if the information is true or not.
Let's try Shiraori
Supreme Spider Deity
Scythe Master
'First known as Wakaba Hiiro who reincarnates as a spider in a collapsing world. After fighting a lot of enemies and facing her biggest fears in the labyrinth, she managed to escape and find a human settlement. In the settlement she was revered as the 'Divine Beast', which was supported by her healing others for food. Later she finds herself in a war which she managed to escape by using an egg in the labyrinth, after which she evolved into an Arachne.
When she left the cave, she encounters potimas, an evil scientist who uses robotic body's since his own body was to old, he was searching for immortality like the 'gods' have. During the fight, demon lord Ariel interrupts by falling through the ceiling and killing the robot body with a single punch.
She then went on a trip to neighboring kingdoms to help the vampire baby and butler to find a place to stay. When the baby and butler decided to follow them to the demon kingdom, Shiraori stumbled upon an ants nest which ran down to above a metal box, this metal box was one the remains from ancient times. Ariel and spider puppets as well as Shiraori faced off against a lot of robots. When an alarm went off, they made their way outside and looked to see a massive U.F.O coming out of the ground, the forces of humans, elves, demons and dragons fought against the flying U.F.O which kept sending out more and more jets. When entering, they made their way to the final boss, which was a golem, Potimas tried to control the golem and kill Shiraori, but Ariel cought the shot, Shiraori got angry and killed Potimas again, which activated the core of the U.F.O, the core had enough energy to explode the entire continent and Shiraori continued by swallowing the bomb. She evolved from an Arachne into a 'Spider God' and was named Shiraori by the being called 'D'. She was powerless since she has no idea how to control her powers, but after few years managed to master most of her abilities again, she then helped the demons in their war against humanity, which she helped by also destroying the elves, during the distraction, they managed to find an U.F.O that held Potimas his real body and killed him. Ariel had lost her power due to her deformed soul. Shiraori finished the war and ended up fighting the dragon god, which she won against, only to separate the system from the angel god. The two gods reunited and Ariel also managed to say her goodbyes, Shiraori then moved on with her plan and got 'killed' by the human hero.
When she was 'killed' she released all her energy into the system and the planet regained most of the necessary energy to survive. When she tried to escape 'D' caught her and held her captive for several years, until Shiraori got strong enough and defeated 'D'. After that she started searching for something to relieve her boredom and stumbled upon Rimuru Tempest.'the rest is the story you're currently reading'.
Shiraori Tempest
Boundless Entity
Wife of Rimuru Tempest
The information about Shiraori was a lot more than mine, probably because I had lived my own life, but what shocked me even more was the future information about her. She becomes my wife.
It makes me enormously happy, but sad that I had to find out this way.

When I thought I had seen enough for today, I exited the blank dimension and sat down on the couch.

When dinner came, it was a potatoes and pork.
Vegetables weren't in big amounts yet.

We then cleaned up and went to sleep.
Shiraori pov:

During and after dinner, Rimuru was acting really strange, she had a happy expression, but everytime she looked me in the eye she went tomato red.
I asked her what was wrong, but she didn't answer even now while we're in bed, she keeps trying to hesitatingly put her arms around me.
I had enough of her squirming and turned to hug her instead, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I could feel her breathing quicken and her body stiffen, but she slowly relaxes into the hug.

When it was morning we both woke up at around the same time, but since I was first, I cleaned up, changed and sat down on the couch downstairs watching some TV. Rimuru came down after me and started preparing breakfast.

After breakfast we went back to the village where Hajime reside and stayed around there for the morning, when lunch came, we went back to that restaurant where we met Hajime and ordered lunch. By coincidence we met Hajime and his group in the restaurant, Hajime noticed us, but kept quiet.
Kaori was not as quiet though as she yelled "Hey, isn't that Rimuru and Shiraori?!"
Hajime face palmed and the customers were all staring at us.
Kaori walked over and confirmed that it was truly us, before hugging Rimuru, Rimuru obviously didn't like it and gently pushed her off.
Kaori was surprised Rimuru could push her, probably because of the fact her status had broken through the limit of this world.

After catching up a little and eating lunch, we left towards the forest that was housing a big cave. This cave was a dungeon, but a very well hidden one.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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