Meeting concluded.

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(Like last chapter, of this is also not important to the story at all. Not reading this won't make you out of sync with the story.)

After the matter with Zeus was dealt with, Rimuru sat down again and asked everyone else to quiet down, this was because Rimuru didn't want to be here any longer than necessary and in order to leave, she had to establish some rules.

The rules were as followed:
1. Leaving Olympus requires permission from Ariel and they could only remain outside of Olympus for as long as 2 months, special occasions were to be permitted 6 months prior to this.

2. No one is allowed to seek trouble with other factions and pantheons, meaning that the gods from Olympus were not allowed to fight with the other gods. (Applies for all pantheons.)

3. No mortals are touched in a sexual or damaging way, mortals are also not allowed to get in contact with gods. That means no demi-gods.

4. For those that can't hold back and do break number 3, you will be punished by now being allowed to leave Olympus for a specified amount of time. (Depends on which action.)

5. If you do leave Olympus, you are not to interrupt either Shiroari or Rimuru, even when you see them on the streets.

6. Any gods that break the rules are to be brought to Ariel for punishment.

That's it, the gods stared in shock and some even had watery eyes, the reason for this is because of the rules about mortals.

Rimuru saw the look on Artemis and even Athena's face and quickly said "Rule number seven, any mortal that seeks inappropriate action with you can be punished by the gods in their own way.
For example, peeing resorts to blindness, sexual herassment results in castration or removal of genitals, for both genders." Artemis looked relieved and Athena had nothing to say, Aphrodite on the other hand asks "If they sexually harras me, can I take them to bed?" Rimuru just answered "No, genitals will be cut off." As Rimuru said this, she immediately cast a spell that merged with the physical laws that states that all sexual harrasment will cause their genitals to disappear. This also goes for the gods.

Rimuru also quickly mentioned "Oh yeah, when leaving Olympus, you are not allowed on the territory of other pantheons without expressed permission, meaning the hunt cannot exit the territory of Olympus, neither can Hermes travel from one side of the world to the other. Ask Ariel to send the letter of permission." Artemis didn't like it, but she only had to be patient.

Rimuru found that it was enough and said "Well I guess that's the meeting, then I hope we'll never have to see eachother again." Rimuru then teleported away and took Shiroari with her, Ariel on the other hand was still sitting near the hearth and was immediately approached by Artemis for the permission to pass on the other pantheon's their territory. Ariel accepted the letter and send it to every pantheon. Within 2 weeks all the answers were positive and Artemis was allowed to take her hunt to every pantheon, naturally under the condition that they would not interfere in the matters of the pantheon residing their.

During these two weeks, Rimuru and Shiraori have met and talked with every pantheon as well as explain the rules to them as well. Some pantheons didn't want to listen and thus were directly erased leaving no trace behind.
Their favorite pantheon was obviously the japanese pantheon as it was their country of origin.
During the meeting this also came to pass, the gods were surprised that being several thousands of years younger were so much more powerful than them, but on the chance of angering these two beings they really didn't want to try their luck.

The strongest of these pantheons were Buddhism and The northern, one can't really put a power scale on these gods, but Buddhism is a single man pantheon that is equal to all the other pantheons with many more gods. Buddha was also a very welcoming god. The northern were much more careless than the other gods and some of the gods that were compared to primordials had a good bit of power as well. Some of the gods like the one from the Islam was a god based on beliefs and so when the people that believed in it disappeared the god disappeared soon after, or at least that's what Rimuru believes since there's no trace of it's existence ever having been in this dimension.

After half a month, everything was back to how it used to be, calm and without a care in the world, Rimuru was just doing whatever to keep herself entertained and Shiraori was just watching tv and solving puzzles, she also liked painting a little bit, but her skills were sorely lacking in this department. Her paintings came out looking like someone had dropped a bucket of different colors of panit on it.
Rimuru also gave it a try and with the help of sword mastery and perfect memory, she got if perfect in nearly one try. Shiraori who was jealous of Rimuru's skill had challenged her to a contest, the person who does the best gets to do as they like with the other for 7 days straight, no breaks, nothing.
Rimuru's face was set ablaze and Shiraori started to regret her decision, but continued anyway.
She especially took subject she was very good at.

1. Puzzles - Shiroari
2. Sudoku - Rimuru
3. Word finder - Rimuru
4. Uno - Shiraori
5. 4 in a row - Rimuru
6. Cooking - Draw
7. Hunting - Shiroari
Final. Tv quiz - Shiroari.

In the end it was Shiroari that won, Rimuru licked her lips, because this time it would be Shiroari that engaged it, Shiraori flushed red, but thinking about the teasing Rimuru had done before they left, Shiraori just had to get revenge.

So until the evening they just kept themselves busy, eating dinner watching tv, playing games.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.
You'll have to wait till tomorrow for the lemon. Hope you can wait.

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