Orcus Dungeon (Part 1)

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Im gonna change a few things from the original Arifureta, it's not gonna be too major though.

Kaori pov:

'He will live' is what Rimuru was saying through telepathy and yet I still couldn't believe that Nagumo-kun is still alive,
I am so happy I feel that I could collapse any moment from this news, but she mentioned that I shouldn't let anyone else know that Nagumo-kun is still alive, she also mentioned that this was so that the person responsible for this wouldn't try to go after him, but is there really someone that tries to kill him or is that just an assumption, for now I first have to know."When will we see you again?" To this question she answered with 'soon'.
Hajime pov:

Where am I? Im alive? Was I saved? What happened after that? I fell from the bridge halfway through, no good I can't remember properly.
First let's get up and try to find my way back, but this really hurts, I'm saved for now though,
It'll be fine surely it'll be fine right?
What is that a bunny? What is a bunny doing here? Wait, that's not a normal bunny, I have to run and quickly, Huh, I can't move? Why is there wall behind me right as I'm trying to escape, no get away, don't get any closer.
It stopped moving? Phew, that was dangerous.
A hand? A giant hand with claws, oh no, I have to run now, the bunny that scared me so much a few seconds ago was so easily crushed by what looked like a monstrous bear and mean monstrous in the literal way. That bear isn't something I can handle, move body move.
Huh, where did my left arm go to? *crunch*
The bear is eating my arm?
I have to get away.
Shiraori pov:

Hm this is interesting for sure, even though the only thing that's interesting is Hajime, it's more than enough to keep me entertained for a while, I mean, the people of that world had said that eating monster meat is equal to death and yet he did it, he did get lucky seeing that he managed to stumble upon that pool of Holy Water while escaping that monster bear.
I should probably inform Rimuru of this, but I don't want to disturb her seeing that she's cooking, but I guess we did promise that if anything interesting happened I would have to tell her.
"Rimuru, something interesting happened, Hajime ate monster meat, survived and become stronger, his appearance also changed, he now has white hair and red eyes."

"Really? That seems awfully convenient."
Ah, that look on her face is amazing.

Author: Rimuru's face looks the same as always.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention that he managed to stumble upon holy water, this holy water heals him constantly, this was also how he managed to survive the transformation."

"Has his stats taken a noticeable change?"

"Yeah, for him it's a lot, but he is still so very weak."

"Yeah, but Shiraori, don't put him on a level with actual gods, he is still mostly human after all, any self proclaimed god can be killed by mortals, but actual gods are a different story, the reason for that would be that actual gods can't die, even if they 'die', they just reforms after a while."

"Really, I think I'm also a bit different as I don't think I would reform when I die."

"You probably would, you're just not sure because you've tried before, the closest to death you've probably gotten was by depleting almost all your energy."

She managed to figure that much out or what she's saying is just a guess, but even if it's a guess, that was way to close.
I wouldn't mind telling her about it, it's not like what reason I did it for was bad, all I wanted to do was escape the clutches of D.
(The next day)

Rimuru pov:

It's seems that Shiraori likes to take baths, ever since we returned she has taken a bath every morning before coming downstairs.
The reason I know this is because for some reason the bathroom is just above me and I have very good hearing, I can hear almost anything that happens in the bathroom upstairs, just like I know that Shiraori is finished and is about to change before coming downstairs.
Huh, I hear her walking through the hall upstairs, but she hasn't changed yet.
(FYI: the bathroom is next to the stairs, like you have the door of the bathroom and right next to it are the stairs.)
Is she coming downstairs? Isn't she still naked, why is she coming downstairs naked?
"Good morning Shiraori, can you please go upstairs and put some clothes on."
Damn this view is amazing, but I have to snap out of it, it would be rude to stare after all, but can you really blame me, one of if not most beatiful person I have ever seen is standing in front of me naked, I know I'm a girl now but I used to be a man, over a 80 years ago yeah, but I still was once a male, due to this i still like females, so this so sight is amazing for sore eyes. Shiraori looks a bit like she doesn't even realize what was going on, she snapped out of it after a few minutes, but I made sure to take a good look and save it in my mind, it's not everyday you see a naked Shiraori that's completely out of it.

"Huh, why am I downstairs?
I was sure I was upstairs taking a bath,
Why does it feel a little chilly though?
Oh hey Rimuru, good morning."

"You finally snapped out of it, now can you please go upstairs and put some clothes on, I don't know how much longer I can resist this temptation."

Shiraori pov:

So cute, that face is to die for, a Blushing and flustered Rimuru is so cute, why did he say to put clothes on, im sure I have some clothes o-,
Where are my clothes?.

No pov:

Shiraori teleported upstairs and into the bathroom, she then changes into her clothes, after she was finished she had realized what Rimuru said at the end of his sentence and this made her normal face turn into one of extremely flustered.

|Rimuru said she could barely resist the temptation, does that mean I have a chance with her? I guess I'll have to find out myself.|
Rimuru pov:

Shiraori is coming downstairs again, but she's dressed this time, well I guess the few minutes I had when she was out of it was all I could get, but I just really want to see that one more time, one more time is enough, I could definitely go for more but once is already good enough.


Cute, she still looks a little flustered.
I guess I wasn't the only one affected by her sudden action.

"Rimuru, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Is there someone you like at the moment?"
That type of question already? Stop fiddling your thumbs please it makes me even more nervous.

"Yeah, there is one person."

"Who is it?"
Why does she look a little down? I just said I have someone i l—-.
No pov:

Without expecting it Shiraori widened her eyes as she felt Rimuru's lips connect with hers, not only that but Rimuru forced her tongue inside Shiraori's mouth making Shiraori let out small moans in Rimuru's mouth,this made the kiss even better as Rimuru suddenly superster her lips from Shiraori's.
Do you want me to make the next chapter a lemon or wait a bit or do you want me to just not make a lemon?

You choose since I'm more than satisfied by just my imagination.

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