Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (10)

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Rimuru pov:

Right after breakfast we went towards the training grounds in the back of the garden.
Arthur and Tessia looked a little embarrassed the entire time, I guess Arthur realized that's it's not normal to shower with the opposite sex.
Tessia was probably flustered because he saw her naked, well that just leaves me to get rid of that and start training.

I walked up to them and said "Start with 10 rounds around the field."
"Isn't that too much, this field is over 50 on 20 meters?" Asked Tessia.
"This is simply warming up in order to make sure that the remaining training is not gonna go wrong."
I said letting it sink in before moving on.
"Now get up and start." I said calmly.
So they got up and started running, after 15 minutes they were finished with their run.
Tessia was panting while dripping with sweat, while Arthur wasn't swearing even a bit but he was breathing a little rapidly.
I handed them a water skin and let them rest for a few minutes.

When we started mana training, Tessia was still forming her core so I helped her by forcing all pieces together, I kept the last piece from merging before getting Tessia away from any people.
The last piece finally merged letting off an explosion that rocked the nearby trees and cracked the ground beneath her.
Arthur was surprised at seeing how formed her core in nearly an instant, even her parents were surprised because their daughter had awakened at 4 years old, about to become 5 years old.

We continued with mana training until the afternoon, but seeing their exhausted expressions was.a good sign.
I said "Get yourself cleaned and come to the dining room in time for dinner." Seeing that Arthur was only 3 allowed me to not get any suspicious thoughts about what he would do.
But if he even tried it, I would make sure to cut off his roots and even though I can just heal them, it should leave a lasting impression though.
Arthur probably saw the look in my eyes and quickly used his hands to guard the still clothed jewels.

At dinner we had discussed our plans for them and if they were okey with, they both agreed on the sole condition that they were allowed to stay together in the same room.
I at first questioned what the connection was, but it was simply an excuse to share their bedroom with one another.

Every night I would go to different dungeons hoping to get a good beast will for Tessia and some items that I might be able to use for fueling the aether stone.
Ever since I got news of my test to advance to S-rank I've been preparing.
I've found a few dungeons to keep my mind off of the current situation, the dungeons were also the cause of it though.
In 8 out of the 15 dungeons I've been in have had alacryan bases and I only knew they were Alacryans because of the plans and documents I found in their bases.
They were planning on corrupting mana beasts and make them become puppets for the war that has been brewing for the past few decades.
These dungeons I've found currently all have bases, but I'm also relieving myself by killing future enemy's.

Currently I'm in the last dungeon, this dungeon was nicknamed ' The Graveyard ', it was a famous S-rank dungeon known for leading 12 AA-rank adventures with a lot more lower ranks to their death. The dungeon was off limits, but the aether coming off of it was almost palpable, when I entered I noticed hundreds of those chimeras I found in the relictombs, these were a lot weaker than those in the relictombs though.
One of the chimeras with a longsword for a hand lunged at me and grazed the grass off the location I was standing just a second ago, I formed a mana blade and waved it downwards releasing an arch of mana that disintegrated everything it touched.
After all the chimeras were dead and aether absorbed, I headed towards the second floor.
When I arrived there was a huge island flying in the middle of a cavern.
I walked through the ruins and heard an ungodly screech, not wanting to know what had made that sound, I had raised my hand again and flames formed on them, I shot towards the general direction and watched as it exploded in an array of multiple colors.
The flying island was no more than a huge boulder at this point.
I found a portal and it lead me to the relictombs, I exited the gate and used space magic to store it into my imaginary space.

When I returned home that morning, I ate breakfast and started training again with the brats.
Arthur had progressed to light-yellow with cracks and Tessia was currently at dark-red.

It was again dinner and I then decided to ask Virion to stay a little longer after dinner.
"So? What did you want to talk about?" He asked me with a weary gaze, in response I tossed him a book, he started flipping the pages quickly enough for me to notice the aggressiveness in the flipping.
"Is this true? Are you certain that everything in here is the truth?"
"100% sir, they likely don't have any method of going overseas, otherwise we would've long been attacked."
"Yes, and I have something that'll allow the people on this continent to grow beyond what their currently at, but I can't assure safety.
The limitation is that they're at the light-yellow stage at least before they enter the portal to the relictombs."

"So what are these relictombs?" Virion asked me in wonder.
I took the portal out and took by the arm before pulling him inside and showing him the inside.
"So it's like dungeons but more dangerous?"
"And they can adapt to a person's power."
The end.
Hope you enjoyed the side story

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