Side Story 1 : Rimuru visits Tbate (2)

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(2 years later)

Rimuru pov:

I'm currently sitting on a cart with a group called the twin horns and we're on our way towards Arthur, apparently his parents had a connection with the twin horns. (I'm not gonna explain their looks)

I've been in this party for a year now, 2 years ago I met with Sylvia, after spending a year with her I began to get curious about the rest of the world and since I wanted to explore it myself and not get spoiled by using my clairvoyance skill, I decided to become an adventurer.
I started as an A-rank adventurer and slowly went up to AA-rank, while I would've gone for the S-rank, the twin horns interested me a little and now I've been with them for the last 10 months.
I still visit Sylvia from time to time, but I spent most of my time entering dungeons with the twin horns.
I've disguised myself and lowered my power a bit.
My known information is:
Name: Rimuru (no need for disguise)
Core: Initial Silver with cracks
Attributes: Fire, wind and earth + deviants
Rank: A-rank (Former). AA-rank (current).

That's about it, the mana core I showed was simply a quick one I made as a way of explaining my power, I also made myself a tri-elemantal since I'm the only one alive currently, Arthur is quadra-elemental after all.
Some even say that I should automatically be made S-rank but I simply refuse the offer, the higher the rank the more I stand out and I kinda need to lay low for now.
The reason for this is the asuras and Agrona, while they're weak compared to me, I came here to have fun, not to solve the problems of this world.
While I was explaining this we arrived at the wooden hut that is Arthur's house, after it blew up the family has put it back together, I also helped a little from the shadows since it was my fault that he had awakened so early, he was normally supposed to awaken yesterday and than we would have arrived and brought them to the city, but now he had awoke at the age of 1, so it was kinda my fault.
Since I kinda predicted the future I gave this kid a more advanced body, this allowed him to grow at a quick pace, he has already reached Dark-orange and he's only 3.

As we arrived we saw 3 people with brown hair waiting for us at the front door of the hut.
The twin horns looked at them and walked over while greeting eachother, the kid introduced himself in a to polite manner for a child.
As they looked over at me I realized I was still sitting in the carriage, so I walked over and politely introduced myself as a new member of the twin horns, I could see the kid looking at me in a suspicious manner.
I glanced over at him and he quickly faced away, I could also see some sweat rolling down his face.
Arthur pov:

Today the twin horns arrived and it seemed they were on good terms with my parents, the blond one Angela took me into her bossom and I nearly suffocated, luckily I was saved by Durden my guardian angel. after the greetings were done they glanced over at the carriage, a beautiful woman made her way out of the carriage and introduced herself as a new member of the twin horns, I could feel something weird from her but I can't put my finger on it, I also didn't try to dig much deeper as she glanced at me and I could feel the immense power radiating from her.
My parents and the rest also didn't notice, the only reason I noticed was because I was a king and war veteran, things like power could be deduced by a simple glance, but I just couldn't see the end of her power. Im glad I'm the only one who noticed.
It's been a few hours and it's getting dark, so we stepped out of the carriage and set up our camp, Rimuru said she will sleep in the carriage since it's more comfortable, the twin horns didn't mind and just set up their camp.
After a few minutes we were sitting down around a campfire grilling our fish and other hunts.
When we finished eating and let it settle down a bit Adam challenged me to a duel.
No pov:

When Arthur accepted Adams challenge they moved to an open ground at the side of the camp.
After they got into position Jasmine stepped forward and started the countdown.
"3...2...1...Go!" Jasmine yelled and Arthur opened his eyes and dashes towards Adam, Adam was taken off guard by the speed Arthur was moving at bit quickly recovered and thrust his spear towards Arthur, Arthur jumped over the spear and lifted his sword above his head, Arthur than slammed the wooden sword down onto Adams head but Adam managed to block.
Adam being surprised by the weight of Arthur's had slowly lost a bit of ground, Adam than did the unexpected and side stepped and countered the attack, the spear made contact with Arthur and stopped at the spot.
Mana started to reveal itself on the tip of the spear sending it backwards, the spear ended up in the tree behind Adam while Arthur stood there with a hole in his shirt and a broken wooden sword.
Arthur's mother made her way towards Arthur and started scanning his body while sending a death glare towards Adam, after confirming Arthur's safety she walked towards Adam and dragged him away by the ear.
The night which was filled with painful screams was an actual peaceful night, the only one who didn't get much sleep were Alice and Adam.
When the twin horns woke up they started preparing breakfast and the leywins were slowly starting to wake up as well.
After sitting around the campfire they noticed that Rimuru was still missing, Helen then made her way towards the carriage and woke up Rimuru.
After Rimuru left the carriage everyone was staring at her, she was still in her sleep clothing and had a small case of bed hair. The reason they were looking was because of her looks.
Helen quickly rushed Rimuru inside the carriage and made her change into a more fitting outfit.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed the side story.

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