Guild meeting

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After the last adventurers made it back to the guild, there was an announcement to publicize the guild meeting in 2 hours, this was to let the people clean up and process what happened during the beast horde as well as mourn the loss of the more unfortunate comrades.

During those two hours, the guild was nearly empty, except for the few adventurers and healers that weren't to roughed up.
This does only add up to about 15 people.

The guild master had vanished into his office where he started working on the report about the recent beast horde. The guild master was a bulky man with a gaze that would remind someone of a war veteran.

The receptionist present were also very busy with all the proceedings and had to change the quest rewards for every person involved, they also had to count and categorize everything the adventurers brought as spoils of war.
This caused a couple receptionists to work overtime as they should've only had to work till 4, but it was already 5.
Rimuru and Shiraori were part of the remaining 15 people that stayed behind, mostly because they didn't do all that much, or that's at least what the guild thinks.

Rimuru had complained about remaining at the guild, but a glass of beer from her wife made  Rimuru change her mind.
Shiraori and Rimuru this entered a little drinking competition, but they were Rimuru and Shiraori, their immunity got rid of the alcohol before it could affect them even a little bit.
So the adventurers that arrived early stumbled upon the scene of a drinking contest between the two and a tower of mugs at the side.
Some of the adventurers made a betting pool on who would pass out first and a few others started their own drinking game.

So after the two hours was finished, the guild master walked back out of his office and yelled
This naturally caught everyone's attention at which the guild master proceeded.
"In a minute, a guild meeting will start in order to discuss the recent happenings during the beast horde, After all, noone had predicted that an Ss-class beast had made itself known during the beast horde."
Everyone was silent before the guild master walked towards the receptionists and handing them each a paper for those who wanted to join the meeting or had any important information for the meeting to proceed.

After 15 minutes, everyone settled down and was signed up for the meeting under which Rimuru and Shiraori also signed up for.
The reason being that they had nearly no freedom as guards of the medical tent.

(Since this is a meeting I'm just gonna put a name or title after every speech in order to clarify who's speaking.)

"I'm happy you all could make it here today.
Today we will be discussing about the recent beast horde.
I've been notified of the appearance of an SS-class minotaur appearing and cracging the adventurers meeting.
This we will be talking about that mostly, anyone any questions before we begin?"
Guild master.

"Yes, during the beast horde we fought a boss that was A-rank, but than an Ss-rank pops up out of nowhere, shouldn't a beast horde contain only one boss and there was also the case of the mysterious craters and Swords everywhere."
Offense from Assault team.

"Yes, normally a beast horde should only have one boss, and we also don't know about the craters and the energy sword."
Guild master.

"We also found it strange that there weren't that many casualties, yes there were many, but not nearly that close to the predicted amount."
Healer that helped steve.

"Ah yes, the case where the injured numbered so low that the healers had to join the Frontline in order to be of some use, yes, the reason was a killer intent that doesn't feel familiar at all.
Sometimes the beast would get rowdy and immediately after, they're pupils would shrink and they would whimper in fear, so I assume it's killing intent, and so when the beasts retaliated, the adventurers didn't realize and were caught of guard." Guild master

"There is also the minotaur, what happened to it?"
Random #1

"We don't know, the minotaur dissolved into a fine mist after nearly killing 11 of our best adventurers.
So does anyone have anymore questions?"
Guild master.

"How many of our comrades did we lose?*
Random #2

"The casualties were 73 deaths, 102 heavily injured and 512 having bruises or light injuries."
Guild master.

"Do we know everyone who died?"
Random #2

"Yes, we have their names on a list in the hall downstairs, right after this meeting, I will have to go around and talk to every single one of those families in order to give my condolences and the reward money from their sacrifice."
Guild master.

"Can we join you in giving our condolences, it might be easier to digest if they were to think the dead earned such a big group of people giving their condolences?" Random #3.

"Very well, I will allow it, so how many want to join?
Put your hands up in the air."
Guild master.

53 hands shot up into the sky.

"So 53 will be joining me later on. Very well, are there any more questions before i finish this meeting?"

"No, then so be it, I wish you all have a good evening and you can collect your rewards at the receptionists desk until tomorrow afternoon."
Guild master.

(I will be switching back to normal speech.)

Everyone exited the room and stormed towards the receptionists. The 53 who had lifted their hands were waiting outside the door for the guild master to walk through and join him in the condolences.

After 3 hours of waiting in line, Rimuru and Shiraori finally got their rewards. On the way home, Rimuru saw a convenience store around the corner and dragged Shiraori with her.
Entering the store they noticed the racks filled with bento's and instant ramen.

Shiraori and Rimuru picked what they wanted and went to the clerk.
The clerk was a little man who's head reached just above the counter with black hair and dull eyes that betrayed the bright smile on his face.

Rimuru and Shiraori handed over their productd and waited for the man to scan it.
The man just went through the motions and said.
"That'll be 1050 credits, please."
Rimuru swiped her card through the machine and packed the food before going home.

Once home, Shiraori immediately puts some water in a pot and put in on fire.
Once it reaches boiling point, she pours it into her instant ramen cups.
Rimuru opens his bento revealing: 3 rice balls in the left upper corner, beneath it lays a patch of eggrolls, beside it being a mixed array of vegetables.
Rimuru waits for Shiraori and finally digs in when she digs in.

After they finished eating, they sat down on the couch and watched tv until 11 after which they changed and then went to bed.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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