The return.

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After changing her blessing, all her subordinates felt their urges dim down a little and their reproductive systems become better and more fertile.
The former reproduction percentage was 0.2% now it had risen to 20%, for everyone in tempest this was a major blessing, because they could finally give tempest a large number of future protectors.

Rimuru noticed the change in the people, even though she had changed the blessing a little, she didn't think the effect would be this good.

Velzard and Velgrynd looked at the people then at Rimuru and asked "Could you also do that for us please?" Rimuru liked her sisters and didn't mind granting them this, morning the demon lord's weren't that jealous.

Dagruel (who was revived) didn't want kids anymore.
Luminous is lesbian.
Ramiris is innocent.
Milim is innocent.
Guy is a demon.
Dino doesn't want to ruin the balance by creating a demi-angel.
Lastly, Leon is a siscon and has no interest in anyone else.

Rimuru who was finished with her new changes, had kept watch on the evolutions from Diablo, Zegion and Benimaru. Apito wasn't here and was in the labyrinth, so she couldn't monitor her without going to their dimensions.

Shiro was looking at the happy people and wished that she would one day get to live in tempest with Rimuru for an extended period of time without having to work, because she just didn't want to work.

After 5 hours, Rimuru had gotten enough of waiting and sent those three into her imaginary space.
Rimuru then turned towards the now small giant.
The small giant noticed the looks and said "My name is Lucidius, but just call me Luke." Rimuru nodded.

Rimuru spread out her aura a bit and tried to make sense of the dimensional chasm. At first it seemed similar to the void she was stranded in before, but the energy felt off, the this wasn't natural energy, this was the energy of that a being had released here and later became this prosperous chasm.

From feeling the energy, she got a grasp on the origin of the energy and appeared in front of it in an instant, the energy that was released was turned into a automatic core, this core produces energy of itself, Rimuru also noticed the corruption lingering in it, this was probably a curse cast by an opponent and in an attempt to get rid of it, that person released the curse as well as most of his energy, which also explains the saturation in here.

Rimuru pulled out a small piece of the curse and tried to trace it back to the caster, but unfortunately the dimensional chasm is a void seperated form the rest of creation and thus one cannot connect this void to a specific space without coordinates or an anchor, which is only set up when one plans on going in with the intention of getting out, this curse isn't linked to the being, probably because the being is dead.

Shiro who had found Rimuru's aura appeared besides her in an instant, Rimuru felt the movement and didn't turn around, instead she said "I'm sending you back, I've checked the source of this core and the information regarding this void.
Sending you back is the only way to make sure nothing enters the dimension we came from and destroy it." Shiro wanted to stay here, but she understood the significance of staying with Rimuru.

Rimuru turned around after 5 minutes, grabbed Shiro's hand and appear near the crack they entered from, Rimuru left a signature on Shiro's ring and pushed her out, Rimuru then waved her hand and the crack started closing. Rimuru noticed how long it took and decided to give Shiraori one last gift and kiss her deeply.
Shiro kissed back and kept it going.
Rimuru noticed the crack closing and appeared inside it. Shiro waved at Rimuru and she waved back.

Rimuru appeared inside tempest and flew back to the top, she then shouted "We have one more target, once we destroy them, we'll return back home and celebrate!!!" Everyone screamed in support and the true dragons left the void and said goodbye, Rimuru wanted them to be out of the void, since if a true dragons dies here then it's over, there is no magic that could bring them back.
Rimuru didn't think anyone was going to die, but better safe than sorry.

Milim and Guy had ended their fight when they felt the true dragons vanish, they returned and asked "What's going on, why did the dragons vanish?" Rimuru said "They are unneeded in the current attack. But you demon lord's are needed, I need you to protect this gate, and whatever happens, you don't let anything pass through here."
The demon lords weren't stupid and knew that if Rimuru was serious than It usually wouldn't be a good thing. So they quickly complied and stood guard besides the gate.

Rimuru noticed that everyone was ready and moved the entire city of tempest to the main branch.
Rimuru went to the twelve patrons and said "I'll take care of the other 1500 small branches, you just need to take of this one, no one from tempest is allowed to die, any innocent people or creatures are brought back to tempest and are provided shelter."
Diablo was happy being ordered by his lord and quickly informed everyone of the situation.

Everyone in tempest was getting pumped up and deiced to ravage the main branch.

On the other hand is Rimuru erasing all the bad people by reading their souls, the good people were spared and were sent to a planet of Rimuru's choice.

In nearly 2 hours, every single branch was turned upside down and searched from the biggest building to the smallest pebble.
Rimuru had found a lot of information, but jto enough in order to find out who was behind everything.

Rimuru did find a disturbing message.
The message read

'So you've finally arrived here Rimuru, I know all about the situation and I've prepared all this just for you to find me, this is a message I left behind in hopes you can find me. After all, you accepted my challenge the moment you sent the galactic empire through the gate into this chasm.
But don't worry, I'm only taking this up with you, I'm not gonna touch Shiro and my partner is also not gonna do anything to endager your people, this is a game strictly between you and me.'

Everyone in the dimensional chasm felt Rimuru's aura increase steadily and the chasm start cracking and breaking, tha aura itself was filled with anger and enough killing intent that the innocent she wanted to protect were dying under the pressure of her aura. Everyone who was from the cardinal world understood when they heard the name being shouted thougout the chasm "So you're back Yuuki"  The demon lord's stood on guard, but before they could react, a hand grabbed the gate and pulled it close, trapping everyone in the chasm.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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