A best friends visit pt2

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Rimuru pov:

I'm still sitting here talking with Milim when she asks "Rimuru, what are you going to do with that planet?"

"What planet?"

"The birds you decapitated with one slash, behind them was a planet and you split it horizontally."

"Oh that one, I already did something about that, don't worry about it."

"If you say so."

>Ciel, please tell me you did something about that?<

<Naturally, that is my job. While you have, I handle all the dirty work that you don't need to be involved with.>

>Thank you Ciel, but you should really not degrade yourself so much, you are my eternal partner linked by soul after all.<

<You're right, I'll do my best to be of better use.>

I don't think she gets what I mean, but she sounds pretty pumped for this so I guess it's okay, plus if she didn't want to do it, then she wouldn't have done it.
Ever since she got named and became a Manas, she has become more person-like so she also refuses quite a few things she doesn't like.

"Rimuru, I have actually come here to tell you that it would be in our best interest that you return within a month." Milim is sweating buckets, what could be terrifying enough to make Milim so serious?

"What is the problem?" I asked with a hint of concern in my voice.

"It's Chloe."

"My student Chloe?"

"Yeah, that's the one, ever since you left she started getting little bursts of killing intent and last night it shot through the roof, everyone in the cardinal world was trying to stop her from coming here, eventually we succeeded, but you have to come back, I don't know how long we can keep her from acting out again."

I think I might know why, but I'm not sure if I should have Milim relay the news.
No, Milim is my best friend and I don't want her dead so I guess it's been decided, he will be perfect for this.

"I have an idea on why that could be, but it's nothing to worry about, just give this to Guy and it should no longer bother you, please do inform me when she leaves the cardinal world, I don't wanna accidentally destroy the universe Im residing in."

"Okay, will do, can I first meet the other person that I'm smelling on you."

She has a super sharp nose, next time I should be more careful.
"Sure, but I'll have to make sure she isn't busy right now and if she's sleeping, then your welcome to sleep here for the night."
Since I don't have three rooms in my house and my room is still airing out so that we don't remember what we did everytime we smell it, I'll just have Milim sleep in my imaginary space, it's probably the most comfortable and relaxing place in the entirety of existence itself.
No pov:

We see Rimuru opening a portal in the living room and walking towards the bedroom of Shiraori when she hears Shiraori mumbling something in her sleep. Rimuru hearing this layed down next to a naked Shiraori and started cuddling Shiraori with her head perfectly within two mounds of flesh and fat that were just the perfect amount of softness for her.
Rimuru snuggled even closer and before falling asleep she still put Milim to sleep.
(Next Morning)

Shiraori was waking up, when she felt someone laying down in between her breasts and before she pulled away she looked closely noticing that it was Rimuru and that was okay for Shiraori, after all Rimuru did more than simply hug her breasts, she did a lot more and it just turned her on even more, bit it was morning and Rimuru was not yet awake.
She then put on her clothes and washed her faced, afterwards when going downstairs she jumped back when she heard the voice that sounded like that of a little girl, Milim the owner of the voice got an unconscious tick mark and started glaring at the massive breasts of Shiraori.
Though she soon stopped when realizing that she just came out of the room Rimuru was in, she knows that because she can sense it, soon Rimuru came downstairs in just pajamas and made some breakfast.
Milim was literally drooling out the mouth since she was hungry, she hadn't eaten anything since the day before after all and for someone like Milim, that's not so good.
When Rimuru put the plates down, Milim scarfed everything down and Shiraori tried to at least keep her dignified air around her by scarfing down her food slower than Milim, for a normal humans, it would've looked like the plate just appeared and the next it was empty, they were eating at an incredible pace and they could still keep eating.
Rimuru was definitely happy seeing this situation, it was peaceful, exactly what she wanted.
Best Friend, fiance and herself, it was a combination that brought her joy unlike anything else, now if only Veldora were here, then itd truly be complete, maybe also D on Shiraori side.
Soon after the meal the duo had to say goodbye to Milim and there were tears, that sand cloud she made everytime is nothing to scoff at, it could even temporarily blind a god.
Sorry for the short chapter.
Please let me know in the comments whether I should add Chloe to the Ship or just make it a future side story?

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