Emergency quest (2)

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The assault team was quickly moving through the beast and noticed the small craters everywhere, they had no idea where they came from, but every crater had a couple beasts in it.

Rimuru was naturally the cause of this, due to the random blasts she kept firing, thousands have already died and nobody figured it out yet.

Shiraori kept sending short bursts of killing intent towards the beasts, due to her actions, nearly a hundred adventurers were save and a thousand beasts were killed.

The healing ward had nearly no patients which meant that the healers were capable of taking breaks before dealing with the next patient.
This naturally caused some of them to go to the front lines and help in defending the camp.

Rimuru was quickly getting bored and stopped sending random blasts, she just unsheathed her sword and pointed it at the sky, hundreds of lights in the shape of swords floated above the monsters before falling down, leaving behind tiny craters that housed tens of beast in each.
The formerly intimidating army of 25000 beasts was now down to 11200.
Shiraori deadpanned at Rimuru's actions and evened it out by stopping her killing intent, this caused the beasts to go all in on a frontal assault and took down 53 adventurers in a matter of seconds, the other adventurers surrounded the beasts and simultaneously fired magic at it, slowly withering down the numbers with innumerable spells.

The assault party had reached the next major boss and were at a standstill, the boss couldn't harm them because of the tank while the assault team couldn't penetrate the boss's hard skin.
It's best describes as cutting through concrete with a butter knife, instead of damaging it, the attackers sword kept getting chipped and was already cracking under the immense strain.
The attacker swung his sword horizontally and scratched the monsters neck, more importantly it's artery, the monster didn't seems to mind as it once again send out a burst of magic in order to knock away all of its opponents.
The boss lifted it's right hand and slammed down on the ground, making a crack the size of a street, the assault team managed to escape with minimal injuries. The healer took her job seriously and healed everyone else before herself. The other gained some more respect for the strong healer and fought the boss once again.

The boss this time was a massive bipedal dog.
Its head and tail resembled that of a dog except it was humanoid.
It's fur was a bright red color and was dripping with a darker red from all the blood from it's victims.
The assault team worked together in a different manner, : the tank used taunt as the dog was attracted to the tank, the assault was buffed by the healer and gained an elemental reinforcement from the mage, as long as the assault had magic he would be able to keep up the magic shroud.

The assault moved in and interrupted the boss before once again slashing it's neck, this time it sunk in a little deeper than before and nicked its artery, the assault team quickly moved backwards as the boss's eyes turned a pure red, the healer used holy magic in order to keep the boss chained up for as long as necessary, the boss quickly broke the restraint and rushed at them, the assault brought up his sword and stabbed lt into the monsters belly piercing it completely, the boss fell limply to the side and disintegrated into dust leaving behind a single black tooth.
The assault team picked up the tooth and stored it away for later use, the tooth itself was releasing an amount of aura that couldn't have been possible for normal humans.

Rimuru having observed the battle was bored and decided to spice up the situation a little, so she summoned a minotaur from the tempest dungeon, she gave it the order of attacking any stragglers in the forest except children.

The minotaur disappeared and hurried to the edge of the beast Horde before transforming into a bull, the bull itself was strong enough to give everyone a run for their money, even though it was clear Rimuru didn't mind at all.
The assault stumbled upon the minotaur and decided to run away from the mere aura it was giving off, they speculated it was at least SS-rank.
The assault team hurried back to the camp to inform the leader of this new information they managed to gather, the leaders were distraught at the piece of news, but soon moved on to the next procedure and that was to call for retreat, naturally the adventurers didn't agree because there were only 1300 left from the 25000, but the leaders managed to convince them with the fact that there was an SS-rank minotaur on the loose.

Shiraori and Rimuru decided to butt in and leave the healing ward in favor of visiting the minotaur,
The minotaur stopped rampaging and bowed to Rimuru before saying "Thank you for summoning me my Lord." Shiraori didn't mind the lord part and just looked at the minotaur with closed eyes.
Rimuru on the other hand cringed at being called lord now after 10000 years of being addressed as a female.
Rimuru then gave her next order "Attack the adventurers meeting and throw them in disarray, do keep away from the healing wards and no killing. Maiming is allowed."
The minotaur bowed even deeper and vanished, screams filled the forest mere seconds later.
Rimuru and Shiraori ignored the screams and turned towards the cave entrance that was emitting enough magic to make S-rank adventurers faint from the feeling alone, Rimuru regarded it as an annoyance before sealing away the cave entrance.
The feeling of massive magic was no longer present while the aura was still lingering around the area.

Shiraori used her senses to confirm the existence of an SSS-rank monster in the cave. The monster was still sleeping and was apparently suffering from nightmares.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

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