Final Battle! (2)

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Yuuki had burst with energy and the ripples shook all of creation, the simplest twitch made it feel like he could tear Rimuru a new one.
Rimuru see the gleam in Yuuki's eyes and nodded, the power rush was exciting, but exhausting, if you didn't have a lot of time to get used to it than instead of strengthening you, It could actually exhaust you.
Yuuki who had merged with Ivaraj had eons of getting used to it and was even more compatible with Turn null than Rimuru.
Ciel had made up for his diffenrce with the circulation and usage of it.

Shiro ok the other hand was still flickering from time to time. In the imaginary space, about 15000 years had passed, Ciel would have thought it would be over by now, but she was to focused on the fight and didn't really care about Shiro's state.
Rimuru who was highly focused was surprised by Yuuki's new speed, she managed to keep up and block the attack, she was send flying into the opposite direction and stopped, Yuuki had blitzed past Rimuru and wanted to land a good blow on Rimuru, the timely stop had made sure Yuuki didn't touch Rimuru.

Rimuru turned around and ducked.
Yuuki's punch missed and was replaced with a kick, the kick hit Rimuru in the ribs and made her waist crumble, the regeneration took care of that in an instant.
Rimuru felt that her current power wasn't enough to keep up, so she said
>Ciel, all the way.<


A sudden burst of energy made the void tremble and the energy sway.
A melody sounded due to the ryhtmic movements of the energy, when the burst of energy died down, Rimuru was nowhere to be found.
Yuuki then received a hard hit, then another and another and another.
Yuuki carefully looked at the energy and saw the movements, he noticed that this was all just pure energy, even the energy in his body was trying to rip him to shreds.

Rimuru who had gone all out excluding her final seal, had transformed and merged with turn null itself, she haderged with the concept and energy of it. Yuuki was being destroyed from all sides and he never even knew what hit him.

Yuuki tried to block the attacks with turn null energy that was stored in his very being.
Yuuki pushed out with a roar and dispelled all the energy in the environment.
Rimuru was startled, but still came out of hiding, her entire body was black, every millimeter was covered in a black ethereal smoke.
Yuuki didn't see her figure, yet he ducked anyway and avoided the hardest punch he ever felt.
Rimuru's punch broke the void and shattered the barriers, Rimuru the yelled "Hey ...., You can set up your barrier, that's if you don't want the lower realms to be destroyed anyway."
The mysterious voice answered and put up barriers, Rimuru tapped it and smirked.
She could finally go all out, she could even take off her final seal, but the current Yuuki didn't need it.

Shiro had finally recovered and asked Ciel "Where am I?" Ciel said "This is masters personal dimension or imaginary space." Shiro nodded and asked "Can I leave?" Ciel shook her head and said "Not yet, you should first get used to your body."
Shiro nodded and went to train.

Rimuru received the news and was happy, the black hue was calmer and a lot more harmonic.
Yuuki felt the pressure lift a bit and immediately stepped aside, the next moment a long crack appeared in the void, it stopped at the barrier and Rimuru's smirk widened, she started going all out, every punch broke the void and broke down cells at a an atomic level.
Yuuki's was graced time after time, his skin was slowly being chipped away at, even though he could regenerate, every time he did he would consume energy, he didn't like that and dodged as much as possible

Rimuru kept attacking and even used her knife again. It again cut through the void and this time cracked the barrier, Rimuru quickly repaired it and put it away, the knife was too powerful, it was like the one kurobe made for Shuna. She had cut her wall in two instead of just the onion.

Yuuki was scared of the knife, it was logical, the knife was strong, strong enought to destroy a barrier created by 'him'.

Rimuru also fascinated with the knife, it could cut through 'his' barriers after all, even the mysterious voice was surprised, his face reflected the stars in his hair and the girl next to him was eating something.

Rimuru heard Ciel once again and smiled.

Shiro appeared outside in an instant, she felt different than before and Rimuru liked it, she hugged Shiro and said "It's good to see you again."
Shiro returned the sentiment and lightly danced with Rimuru in her hands and the blitzing Yuuki.

Yuuki had nearly grazed her dress and his arm was torn to shreds, Rimuru's power pressed down and the arm was erased, Yuuki was scared, Shiro looked down and noticed the face Yuuki was making.

After 10 more minutes of toying with Yuuki, Shiro had enough. The final face Yuuki made was one of acceptance as Shiro wiped her sleeve and erased Yuuki form existence.
The barrier the mysterious voice made was shattered by 'him' and Rimuru and Shiro were back home.

After 2 weeks of repairing all the damage, Rimuru had made a party, not many people were invited, but Tempest did get a festival, everyone in the cardinal world had been revived and was this enjoying the festival of the true death of the two biggest threats up till now.

After the festival and the parties, Rimuru fell down into the bed, Shiro laid down besides her and asked "Is everything okay?" Rimuru sighed and said "Yeah, just mentally exhausted, the constant partying took a big toll on me. But what about you?" Shiro also sighed and cuddled into Rimuru "I'm fine, the parties were too busy, so I just sat in the corner and watched you."
Rimuru smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead "Goodnight sweetheart." The love made Shiro go crazy(internally).
Shiro then kissed her on the lips and said "Goodnight my love.
The end.
Hope you enjoyed.

(not final chapter, yet)

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